My Icy Heart, It's Melting!

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My heart fluttered for the young girl and I think she has a captivated voice. A small smile popped onto my lips and my hand fell to my side. I could feel my body ignite when I felt his hand brush against mine. My heart thumped against my chest and I hoped he hadn't heard it. His finger glided along my palm and I wrapped my fingers around his.

His entire hand is a complete field and my hand is but a football in his. I never realized how tiny my hand is until I compare it to his. He plants a kiss on my forehead and I smile warmly. I can feel his chin rest against my head and I can't help but love this broken man.

I'm not brave enough to tell him but I do...or else I think I do. It's only been a month and a few weeks since I've known Enzo but almost everything I do with him feels right. I've never laughed, smiled, rolled my eyes or wanted to be around someone this much. He's a dangerous person I know that I'm not blind but it's just something about him that makes me want to be around him all the time.

The surprise to Paris made me realize I do love him but it's too soon to tell him right? I'm not sure he feels the same and I don't want to scare him off or something but for now I'll keep this to myself. For now I'll rest my head against his chest and call it my home. I don't realize when the girl is finished singing and everyone claps for her.

People place money in her hat and Enzo says it's the time for us to leave. He hooks my arm around his elbow and I walk with him down the street. I face the cold wind face on and I wonder where the car is.

"How's Kay doing?"

"You know his name is Jay and he's been acting suspicious recently"

"How suspicious?", I feel his grey eyes on me.

"He told me he did something wrong and then gave me the stupidest excuse, I need to talk to him"

I'm worried about my friend but I don't believe he is nervous about starting a relationship once again. The last relationship he had was just a few months ago and I don't believe he's just nervous about starting to date again.

I glance up at Enzo and I'm positive he's starting to get suspicious of Jay too.

"Don't", I simply state and he glances down at me.

"Don't what?", he asks with a smile.

"I know what you're thinking and you're not investigating my friend"

"I would never"


"Fine I won't"


"I'm not a child Ivy"

I stop in my tracks and glance up at him. He sighs and stares down at me. He rolls his eyes before placing a hand under my chin and tilting my head to face his.

"I promise you I won't investigate Kay"

He kisses me and I smile before pulling away.

"His name is Jay and I don't know why you keep calling him that"

"I'll be honest with you I don't trust your friend"

"Why not? You barely even known him"

"There's just something about him that I hate"

"Nope I think you two just need to bond"


"Oh c'mon. He knows so much about me and you guys could bond over loving me.."

Instantly I clear my throat from saying the word. Why would I bring up love right now. Soon enough the car pulls up into the distance and as if he doesn't see it Enzo and I continue to slowly walk down the well lit road.

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