"I don't know how to get you out!"

"There is no way out! You don't understand!"

"I do Len!" I let out a sob as I dropped to my knees. "I understand now. How the hell do I get you out? Just tell me. Please. I have to get you out. Dick and I will get you out!" I was hyperventilating and choking on my own tears as I stared into the abyss before me.

It took me a second to notice the water.

I looked up. The raindrops mixed with my tears as they fell down my face. The rain was finally soaking into my clothes. The fog began to lift, but the storm was far from gone. It was just starting.

Then the thunder shook the earth again and I fell forward. The sky intensified into one single bright light cutting through everything else. I free fell into the crater as the bolt of lightning slammed into me.

"-igma. Hey, I'm back," Dick whispered. I blinked the tears away and rolled over onto my back.

"What happened? Are you okay?" The sleep in my voice hid the shakiness.

"I'm fine baby. We got him."

"The Joker's gone?"

"He's in Arkham."

"What time is it?"

"Almost 6."


"I just wanted to tell you I was back. Do you want to go back to sleep?"

I reached over to pull the string on the lamp. He was on the edge of the bed and his eyes were covered in black paint. I wiped my eyes and yawned.

"Don't you want to go back home?"

I almost shuddered when his hand landed on my leg.

"Is that okay with you?"

"Of course, we can go," I tried to wipe the paint from his face, and he leaned into my palm.

"It took so long."

"You were only gone for 4 hours," I half-heatedly laughed.

"It was awkward," Dick sighed and pulled me up with him.

"Why?" I threw my arms over his shoulders, and he put his nose against mine. God he was such a softy.

"We can talk about it on the drive home."

Dick pulled me into his side with his arm over my shoulder as we walked through the halls. We passed an open door and Bruce was hunched over a table. He glanced our way and gave Dick a nod, then his eyes fell onto me.

Nothing but pure disgust.

When we got back to the apartment I immediately got into bed, and he took a shower at my own request.

He came out with a towel around his hips, and I groaned as I pulled the pillow over my face.

"Sorry," He said as he shut the light off. "I didn't know you were so serious about your sleep." He laughed as he found the closet in the dark.

"That's not it," I said. He turned the light on so I could see him again and he was smiling. My eyes immediately went to his v-line, and I cursed myself for giving him any ammunition to use against me

He pulled the towel off. "I had to deal with you in my bed, rubbing up on me for the past two nights. It was torture, you know."

"I did not rub up on you!" I scoffed and rolled over. His towel landed on me and he laughed as he left the room. He came back dressed and with his camels and my lighter.

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