Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

Everett watched as all the colour drained from Ares' face as his own eyes slightly widened.

So it was her.

There was no way he couldn't believe it after seeing Ares— his former best friend.

He didn't even know what to feel after seeing them again.

They watched as Anthony carried her out of the rooftop, and soon, the three of them disappeared into the staircase, leaving the group of boys to stare at the door.

"Not gonna lie, she was smokin' hot." Nolan stated as he brought his eyes to look at the three.

Everett turned to look at his best friend and sent him a glare, before taking his pack of cigarettes out and getting a stick as he lighted the butt, taking a puff.

For a while, Everett thought she looked exactly like her. He thought Alexandra was her.

She had the same exact eyes as the girl that Everett once cared about so deeply.

But he refused to believe it.

Until he saw her father and brother.

He knew it was her. The look Ares had sent him when he realised that Everett was there was enough to prove that it was her.

They hadn't talked in years. Despite going to the same school, that school was big enough to keep the two apart from each other, quite literally.

Everett hadn't seen Alexandra's family ever since Alexandra's case was closed years and years ago.

He couldn't bare being in the house without his best friend being there, he hated how he lost her. It changed him and everyone around him saw how much everything had affected him.

"Oh! Looks like someone likes Alexandra." Nolan suddenly sang, with a cheeky grin on his face.

Everett's thought drifted off to the beautiful 16 year old girl with the most mesmerizing eyes ever, his jaw clenching at the thought of the mark on her neck and her tear stained cheeks.

"Fuck off." he took a drag of his cigarette before blowing out the smoke into Nolan's direction.

Sebastian's eyes lit up like a light as he thought of his new friend, "She's so sweet! I hope we get to see her more at school. God knows how tired I am of you idiot's complaining about me." He pouted.

Nolan smacked him in the head, "She probably finds you annoying but is just too nice to say it to your face." He muttered, under his breath.

"She does not!"

"Can we stop talking about the fucking girl." Everett rolled his eyes, annoyed at his best friends taking interest in some girl that they met just an hour ago who they knew nothing about.

But little did he know, she was going to become his lifeline like she once was.

"Don't talk about her like that." Sebastian crossed his arms like a kid, with his eyes narrowing at Everett.

"I talk about the girl however the fuck I want to," He pushed himself off the edge of the rooftop and walked towards the door, "come on, let's go you idiots."

❦ ❦ ❦

Stepping foot into the house, Alexandra made a beeline to the kitchen and to the sink where she washed her hands before walking to the cupboards and taking out her favorite box of chocolate muffin that Evan had gotten her the day she returned from the hospital.

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