"What?"he says.

"Nothing, I'm not sure if you'll take it lightly-No come on tell me"Erwin cut her off.

Norie sighed and shook her head and says "Erwin, just go"

He went forward and grabbed her arm, she pulled it back harshly and says "I mean it go"

Norie walked back to the break room but Erwin followed after her as he repeated what he said back in the main room but she would just try to block it, and that's when she lost her patience.

"Stop it! Just stop!"She raised her voice.

They heard footsteps behind them and Erwin saw Hange and Levi standing with a confused look on their faces.

"What's going on?"Hange asked.

"Hange, can you go with the kids, and close the door"Levi says as he stared at Erwin.

She didn't question and she walked to the play room, Erwin looked at him and says "Sorry if this seems rude Levi but I don't think this concerns you"

"It does, she told you to stop, stop. Just leave"

Erwin looked away from him and looks back at Norie and says "please Norie, I'm telling you that I still have feelings for you. And I want to bring us back together, I told you I will be better than before."

"I'll help you with Eren and Mikasa, I told you that I would love them as my own"

Levi froze and stared, Of course he was mad that Erwin was confessing to Norie even though he's with her. But bringing up Eren and Mikasa was a different level.

"What did you say?"

He looked at Levi who had slightly wide eyes, his glare could've burned holes into Erwin's eyes. He started to walk towards him and Norie quickly puts a hand on his chest and says "Levi don't, Erwin just go before things get worse"

"Like I said Levi, it doesn't concern you"Erwin says.

"You know I don't like to repeat myself, but I guess I will have to since that brain of yours can't grasp anything. It does concern me, and don't you put Eren and Mikasa into this mess of yours"

"what does Eren and Mikasa have to do with you?"

Levi stared at him and Norie winced as he heard him say:

"funny you should ask, I'm there father"

Erwin froze and blinked, he backed up as he switched his gaze to Norie and says "There...There what?"

She looks up at him not saying anything, she goes looks down that her shoes.


She sighed and rubbed her face and stood up from the wall she was leaning on and says "He's not lying Erwin..."

He stared as he tried understanding, he would try to speak but nothing would come out until he says "when did you guys happen? When did Eren and Mikasa happen? Does that explain why I saw a picture of Levi and the kids together at your house?"

"Our house"Levi corrected.

Erwin looked at him as Norie cut in and says "It was 4 months after you broke up with me, Hange and Levi were their to help me out of my break up. And one day Levi took me up the hill where we would go every Friday night...and .."

"What?"Erwin says.

"We slept together"

"Levi"Norie whispers at his straightforwardness.

The blonde man looked between them and says "Levi...You got with my ex?"

"You had sex with Norie?!" Erwin called out in disbelief as he went to walk towards Levi but she quickly stops him.

"Erwin stop- And you, you got with my best friend?" He cut Norie off.

She looked away and says "And I don't think it's something you should be mad about, you left us, you left me. You were basically out of the picture, so please don't get mad at us for you leaving"

Erwin rubbed his eyes and sighed, Norie looked at him one last time before she turned to leave to go back to the break room. He looked up again and said "Norie"

"Go, Erwin."Levi says.

He looks at him and doesn't question it, he turns to leave before Levi spoke up again.

"I thought you came back to fix this, you just made what you caused worse"

He leaves and Erwin breathed out of stress and left the day care.


Hange hugged Norie from behind as the toddlers looked up at her with sad face, Marco placed a hand on her knee and softly says "Norie?"

She looks at the toddlers and smiled sadly and says "I'm okay, I promise"

After they started to wrap their little arms around her as tightly as they could go bring her comfort, Norie sighed and hugged them back.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now