Chapter part two: Electric boogaloo

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Ruby:" Ugh... I was running late, so I skipped breakfast and failed my speed semblance training..."

Weiss put a fork in her mouth chewing onto her food.

Weiss:" I tried waking you up multiple times, you should've slept earlier"

Ruby:" But I was exited..."

Weiss:" You know what they say, you are what you eat"

She told pointing at Yang who was eating a bunch of meat, Blake was eating tuna.

Yang:" Are you calling Blake a fish?"

Weiss:" No you dolt! You're a meat head!"

Yang:" Oh"

Blake:" Next class is Mr ports..."

Yang:" Ugh"

Weiss:" I know ladies, come on. Its a hassle, but we have to do it to pass the year"

The four stood up, making their way towards class... trying to make it before anyone else and even before port to seem responsible. Even Ruby didnt wanna be late. Sitting down, more students came wondering where professor port is.

Weiss:" is he late?"

Yang:" is he not going to be here!? Substitute teacher?! Hell yeah!"

Blake:" He might just be running late"

They all started to hear the menacing sound, Ruby jumped as soon as she heard it.

Ruby:" What is that?! Monsters!?"

Yang:" Ruby please, theres no such thing as-"

Yn:" Boo"

Yang sprung up from her chair, falling back and hitting her head onto the table. Looking up Yang sees a boy her age crouching on top of a table.

Yn:" Hi, and hello to all of you! Sir Peter Port is no longer going to be your teacher!"

You said jumping desk to desk, until you made it to the front of the classroom.

Ruby:" What..."

Yang:" Who in the hell-"

She looked at the boy, raising an eyebrow as she did.

Yang:" Oh my"

Ruby:" Yang? Whats wrong?"

Yang:" Me like"

Weiss:" Oh for the love of go-"

Suddenly seeing you dance, Weiss dropped her face into her hands out of second hand embarrassment.

Yn:" Im actually going to be your new teacher! How do you feel about that?"

He asked, but nobody really answered...

Yn:" Really..."

Sighing he snapped his fingers, a chair appearing as he sits down.

Yn:" What am I supposed to do with the lot of you? Im trying to be a fun cool teacher"

Thats when you suddenly got an idea.

Yn:" So whom would like a demonstration on how you're supposed to kill a Grimm? An Ursai Major to be presice"

This caught the attention of many students, they all stared at you. When suddenly an Ursai came running through the door, making many students jump.

RWBY: Shitpost with some actual plot, somewhatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon