Chapter 33

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Logan woke, his eyes fluttering open. He glanced over at his clock. It read 4:57 am. He turned, and faced Dallas. To his surprise, his eyes were wide open.

"Good morning," Dallas whispered.

"You're awake? Why?" Logan asked.

"Same reason you are. I just woke up, and I couldn't fall back asleep," Dallas replied.

"Tomorrow is going to be hell, we never get any sleep when we have sleepovers," Logan said. "How long were you awake for?"

"Not long. We got 5 hours of sleep. It will get us through today, but we should both go to bed early tonight," Dallas said.

"I didn't say I wasn't going back to sleep," Logan teased.

"I'd like to see you try," Dallas teased back. Logan knew he couldn't, so he didn't even bother trying.

"Ok, ok, fine, you win. What do you wanna do?" Logan asked.

"It doesn't matter to me," Dallas replied. Then Logan got an idea. It wasn't like him to come up with these kinds of ideas. But it just popped up in his head. This is what his 5-in-the-morning logic came up with.

"What if we sneak out?"

"What? Where would we go?" Dallas asked. "Somewhere. There's probably some coffee shops open around here. We could walk there, it's not very far," Logan suggested.

"What if your dad wakes up?" Dallas asked.

"We'll just leave him a note so he doesn't call the cops, and I won't answer my phone," Logan replied, proud of his master plan.

"I have another idea," Dallas said.

"What is it?" Logan asked.

"What if we go to the airport? We can watch planes take off and land," Dallas suggested.

"That's also a good idea. It's kinda far from here, so it would take a while to walk there," Logan said.

"True. Does your dad have bikes we could use?" Dallas asked.

"Yeah, but they're up in the rafters for the winter, and I'm not getting them down by myself," Logan replied.

"Let's just go to some coffee shop, then. Do you know which ones are open?" Dallas asked.

"No, but we can look on Apple Maps or something," Logan said.

"Starbucks opens at 5, but the closest one is by Carl Ben, and that's way too far," Dallas said after looking.

"I think most places don't open until at least 6," Logan concluded. "The only other place I could find is a Holiday gas station that's open 24 hours."

"A 24 hour gas station, how romantic" Dallas remarked. Logan laughed.

"It's better than sitting at home," he said.

"Or we could wait until 6. By the time we get there, we shouldn't have to wait long," Dallas reasoned.

"That's true. Maybe we should just do that. It gives us time to get there, since it's a little past 5 now," Logan agreed. 

"I think we should go to Zoinks Coffee, they're by the Hornbachers up here, and it's walking distance," Dallas said.

"Let's do that, then," Logan replied.

Dallas led Logan to the Hornbachers because he actually knew where he was going, and thirty minutes later they walked to the grocery store entrance. The breeze was cool, but refreshing in the humid morning air. 

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