Chapter 2

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Spanish and Biology were boring. Logan took Greyson's advice and tried not to think about it, and Logan felt a little better. 7th period finally came, and Logan had his open period. He sat down at his usual table in the library, and opened his computer to start on his AP Euro assignment. He looked up and saw someone else sit down a table away. Not giving it a second thought, Logan started doing his work, in hopes to complete it by the end of the period.

5 minutes before the bell rang, Logan finished his AP Euro assignment. He looked forward to his art class, the final class of the day. While packing up his stuff, he glanced over at the neighboring table. The boy was still doing work, writing something in a notebook. Again, not giving it a second thought, Logan left a minute before the bell. He opened the door and turned right, and walked down the empty hall. He was excited for his upcoming art class.

The bell rang, and people began filing into the hallway with Logan. He saw Paul walking the opposite direction. They would usually wave, but Paul didn't this time. Logan went to raise his arm to wave but he saw that Paul didn't wave, so he didn't either.

"He must've not seen me," Logan thought.

"But he was right there, how could he have missed you?" He counterargued back to himself. This continued until he walked into the art room. Taking his usual stool, he let himself wander in thought.

"Did something happen?" Logan checked his phone out of curiosity, but no new messages were displayed.

"If something bad happened, he would've told me," Logan pondered. But he remembered what Greyson had said at lunch. Paul can do some strange things.

"It was me, wasn't it? I'm always in the way, I'm always bothering everyone. Greyson probably hated talking to me, I was such a burden bringing him all my problems. I'm a pathetic piece of—" Logan's intrusive thoughts were halted by the bell, pulling him back to reality.

Logan focused as he shaded his drawing with various pencils. One slight change of pressure or slight rotation could mess up the portion he was shading, and have to start over where the imperfection was. Logan's negative thoughts couldn't help but seep through his mind as he shaded. He couldn't focus as hard as usual, and had to work slowly to avoid making stupid mistakes. He finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Mrs. Johnson, may I use the bathroom?" Logan asked.

"Sure, go ahead," Mrs. Johnson replied. He left the classroom and walked down the empty hall to the nearest bathroom, praying no one was in there. He quietly opened the door, and as he had hoped, the bathroom was empty. He needed to clear his mind. Logan leaned against the sink, and looked at himself in the mirror. The face he thought he knew, the face staring back at him, was unfamiliar.

"Breathe," Logan said to himself.

"Just...breathe. It will be okay. Greyson wouldn't even be my friend if he didn't like me or didn't want to give me advice. Remember what he said. It's okay," he said to his reflection. Logan heard the door open, and he quickly pulled himself out of his trance. He washed his hands to avoid suspicion, and went back to class.

He continued shading until the final bell rang, marking the end of the school day. Logan checked his phone to make sure his dad was at the school to pick him up, and went into the crowded hallway and made his way outside.

Logan spotted his dad's car, and got in the passenger seat, throwing his backpack in the backseat. His dad greeted him as he closed the door.

"Hey Logan, how was school?"

"Fine," Logan replied. They sat in silence for the rest of the ride home. Logan scrolled through Instagram, seeing what other people in his grade were posting. It didn't last long, he turned off his phone because there was nothing on Instagram, and stared out the car window for the duration of the ride home. 15 minutes later, his dad turned into his driveway, and pulled into the garage. Logan retrieved his things from the backseat, and walked in the door. He started to go to his room, but he heard his dad's voice.

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