Chapter 18

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Logan stepped to Dallas's front door, and rang the doorbell. He could see the water vapor from his breath, hoping the cool temperature would help calm him down. Dallas opened the door 10 seconds later.

"Hi Logan, come on in," Dallas said, motioning him inside.

"Hi Dallas," Logan replied.

"You can take your shoes off and leave them on the mat. Put your stuff upstairs in my room for now, I don't know where we're sleeping yet," Dallas said.

"Okay, thanks," Logan replied, taking his shoes off and putting his duffel bag in Dallas's room. He took a quick look around his room before returning downstairs. It was relatively big, with a desk in the corner, and a window nearby. He had a full size bed, and a nightstand next to it. He had a dresser by his desk. The room was a little messy, but it seemed like Dallas knew where everything was. Logan returned downstairs.

"We're ordering pizza now, what kind of pizza do you like?" Dallas asked.

"Oh, I don't care, just order what you want. As long as it doesn't have pineapple or mushrooms on it," Logan said.

"Don't worry, I don't like any of that stuff either. I've tried it, and it's disgusting. The sweetness just doesn't go with pizza, and the texture of cooked pineapple makes me want to throw up," Dallas replied. "By the way, you look different without a mask on. I pictured your face to look different."

"Same, I was second guessing myself over whether I came to the right house or not when I first saw you. I guess our brains fill in what we can't see, even if it's actually different," Logan said.

"Yeah, it's funny how that works," Dallas said. "I'll just order a pepperoni pizza."

"Alright, sounds good," Logan said.

"I have an idea for what we could do while we wait," Dallas said, leading him upstairs into his room. "I found a trivia website that's decent and not littered with ads," he said. "Are you interested?"

"Yeah, I like trivia games," Logan said, following Dallas to his room. They both joined in on their phones, and they agreed on the geography category. The game started, and the first question was 'what's the capital of Turkmenistan?' Logan quickly typed in the answer, but left Dallas stumped.

"How the hell would I know this?" Dallas asked. "How do you know this?"

"I don't know, I know a lot of useless things," Logan replied. Dallas skipped the question, and the answer was displayed.

"Ashgabat? How was I supposed to know that?" Dallas asked, still dumbfounded on how Logan knew the answer.

"Not sure, I only know that because it was a previous trivia question a few months ago," Logan admitted.

"I guess Ashgabat is a pretty unique and easy name to remember," Dallas said, proceeding to the next question. 'How many countries are in the European Union?' The multiple choice answers were 24, 26, 27, and 29. Both of them didn't know, so they guessed. Logan guessed 26, and Dallas guessed 29.

"We were both wrong, it was 27," Dallas said.

"At least I came closer. Does that count as another point for me, then?" Logan jokingly asked.

"If it makes you happy, sure. Whoever was closest gets the point," Dallas decided. Logan smiled, happy with another point gained. Dallas had agreed for just that reason, to see Logan happy, and to see his smile. Before he got entranced by Logan's smile, the next question popped up on the screen. 'What is the most populated time zone?' Logan was unsure but guessed Eastern standard time.

"It's probably wrong, but I don't know," Logan said. Dallas took an educated guess of China standard time, knowing that the entire country was squished into one time zone.

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