Chapter 22

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"Didn't we also talk about where we wanted to live over facetime?" Logan asked.

"Yeah. I did a little research about places named Logan, since you found the city of Dallas," Dallas said.

"Well, it's the 9th most populated city in the country, so I didn't really find it," Logan replied.

"Ok, you're right, everyone has heard of Dallas. Anyway, there are quite a few counties named Logan. They are in Kentucky, Arkansas, Ohio, Nebraska, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kansas, Illinois, Colorado, and there was one in Idaho but it doesn't exist anymore. There is also one here in North Dakota," Dallas said.

"Really? I didn't know there were so many," Logan replied, surprised.

"Let's see how many towns there are," Dallas said, making a quick Google search on his phone. "There are 32 places in the world named Logan," Dallas read.

"What? There has to be more Dallas towns too," Logan said.

"There are 25 places named Logan in the US, 2 in Indonesia, 1 in Russia, one in the Philippines, 1 in New Zealand, 1 in Canada, and 1 in Australia," Dallas said.

"There's a Logan in literally half the states, is there one in North Dakota?" Logan asked. Dallas scanned the list.

"Yep, there is," Dallas replied.

"Is it in Logan county?" Logan asked.

"That's a good question, let me look," Dallas said, typing it into Google Maps. "No, it's just outside of Minot. Unincorporated community, but has a population of 194 people," Dallas answered.

"Ok, my turn," Logan said, looking up 'towns named Dallas.'

"There are 20 places in the world named Dallas," Logan said. "14 are in America, 1 in South Africa, 1 in Sudan, 1 in Jamaica, 1 in Haiti, 1 in the UK, and 1 in Canada," Logan read.

"And is there one in North Dakota?" Dallas asked.

"Nope, but there's one in South Dakota," Logan said.

"The damn South Dakotans stole my town," Dallas complained. Logan laughed.

"You have a bustling metropolis with a metropolitan population of over 6 million people, if anything I should be complaining," Logan said.

"I guess you're right," Dallas replied. "What about counties?" he asked.

"There's a Dallas county in Alabama, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, and obviously Texas," Logan said.

"So only 5, half of your 10," Dallas said.

"Yeah, I guess Logan is a more popular name," Logan said.

"It makes sense, not many things are named Dallas," Dallas said.

"Speaking of towns and counties, where do you want to live? I know we were talking earlier about it but what are some places you'd like to live or visit?" Logan asked.

"I can't remember if I actually said a place or not, let me think about that," Dallas said.

"I don't know about you, but driving through different cities makes me want to live there. My family drove to St. Louis and now I kinda want to live there," Logan said.

"Yeah, every time I go through Minneapolis I always have the urge to live there," Dallas said. "I've actually been thinking of living in Toronto, it seems like a really cool place to live," he continued.

"Yeah, Toronto seems like fun, and it's not American, so that's a bonus," Logan said.

"Definitely, I'm leaving the US as soon as I can. I'm researching ways to study abroad but I can't find anything and I'm too lazy to legitimately research on how to apply," Dallas said.

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