Chapter 8

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He walked down the hallway toward the art pod, wishing he could skip to the end of the day so Dallas could text him. Logan walked into the classroom, and sat down in his spot. He began to think about Dallas, the boy he had been developing a crush on, and he's only known him for 3 days. He didn't even know his sexuality. Logan sighed, picked up his colored pencils, and began to continue coloring his art project.

Logan used a blue colored pencil to shade the big parts, and used a white pencil to make fine adjustments to the lighting. 30 minutes later, he had completed the base layer of shading. Unsatisfied with his work, he continued to shade, making small adjustments here and there. Approaching the end of the period, Logan added some finishing touches, and signed his name in the bottom right corner. He looked over his work, and decided that it was good enough to be turned in. Returning his supplies and turning in his project, he sat back down and checked his phone before school got out. There was a text from his dad.

It said, "I'm here to pick you up, are you spending the night at my place?"

Logan texted back, "Yep, I'm spending the night. I'll be out in 3 minutes." He opened Instagram to kill 3 minutes, and he clicked on Dallas's account. There were only a few posts, mostly pictures of his cat. Logan didn't know he had a cat.

"I guess it never came up in our conversations," he thought. "I would really like to meet his cat, maybe I can use that as an excuse to go to his house one day," Logan thought.

"Wait, why am I planning so far ahead? Who said I would ever be going to his house? What would we even do there?" His thoughts were interrupted once again by the bell. Logan refrained from cussing it out this time because it was signaling the end of the school day.

He picked up his things, and joined the mob of kids trying to get out the door into the crowded hallway of mostly one-way traffic. Logan walked outside and saw his dad's car in the line of cars in the pick-up line. He walked over, and opened the car door, throwing his things in the backseat.

"Hey Logan," his dad greeted him as he pulled the door closed. "How was school?" he asked.

"Pretty good," Logan replied. "I finished my art project today."

"Oh, cool. Do you have any homework?" his dad asked. He thought back to his off period where he talked with Dallas for 30 minutes. He didn't finish his homework because they got distracted. 

"Yeah, I didn't finish it," Logan said, hoping his dad wouldn't ask why.

"Why not?" his dad asked.

"Dammit, I swear he can read my mind," Logan thought. "I....I got— I had to finish a test, and it took longer than expected," Logan said, praying his dad didn't pay attention to his stuttering at the beginning.

"Sure, whatever you say," his dad said in a sarcastic voice. "He isn't convinced, but at least he stopped asking questions," Logan thought. The car ride to his dad's house consisted of mostly silence, with the exception of his dad cussing at the person in front of him for going too slow.

"Why the fuck are you going so slow, the gas is on the god damn right, and you press it with your foot. It isn't that hard!" his dad angrily yelled. Logan tried to keep himself from laughing, but was unsuccessful. Once his dad saw a gap in traffic he merged to the left, and punched it past the slow car. Returning to his original lane, he calmed down.

"Damn Prius drivers," he said in a calmer voice. A few minutes later, he turned into the neighborhood, and pulled into his driveway. Logan grabbed his things after he parked, and walked inside, kicking his shoes off and taking off to his room.

"Tacos for dinner tonight," his dad said as Logan walked to his room.

"Ok, sounds good," Logan replied.

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