Chapter 21

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Not wanting to fall on the wall, Logan quickly attempted to catch himself, but fell to the right, directly toward Dallas. He tried catching his fall, but that only got him face to face with Dallas, his eyes wide and trying not to laugh. Their faces were only inches apart. Logan blinked a few times, comprehending what had just happened, and stared into Dallas's eyes. Dallas smiled.

"Hi," he said. Logan snapped out of his trance and sat back down, still recovering from his fall.

"Did you see what happened, because I didn't," Logan said.

"You fell forward, but then pushed yourself off the wall towards me," Dallas said, still inches from his face with no intention to back down.

"You know, let's just stay here. I actually wouldn't mind being this close to you," Logan said. Dallas looked at Logan.

"If this isn't a green light, I don't know what is. I'm definitely doing it on Monday," Dallas thought.

"I...I like being close to you, too," Dallas said. Logan laid down next to him.

"We should do this more often," Logan said.

"Yeah, we should," Dallas agreed. He sighed, contemplating whether to tell Logan or not. He looked at his phone, 11:22 pm. Tiredness had not set in yet. He sat up and looked at Logan, who looked back at him. Logan smiled.

"You know, your eyes are hypnotizing," Logan said. Dallas smiled.

"Oh really? I think you're the one who has hypnotizing eyes," Dallas replied. Dallas was about to say it, but hesitated. "If I say it now, he'll know I have a massive crush on him," Dallas thought.

"What do I say back to him?" Logan thought, trying to think of something to say. "I'm already close to revealing I have a crush on him, what do I do?" he continued. Logan sat up, facing Dallas.

"Dallas, have you had a crush before?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, I have. One was 2 years ago, and the other one is current," Dallas said.

"I've only had one, and it's current," Logan said. "What was having a crush like for you?" Logan asked.

"It was feeling both nervous and excited when around them, and you want to spend time with them, but you know it will make you nervous, so spending time with them is both exhilarating and feeling like you're going to throw up because you're so nervous," Dallas said.

"Yeah, that's kind of how I feel when I'm around them, thanks," Logan said.

"Do you mind telling me who it is?" Dallas asked. Logan felt his face turn red very quickly.

"Uhh, maybe I'll tell you later," Logan said, redder than ever. Dallas was about to say, 'I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours,' but then remembered how Logan might feel. They were stuck here until tomorrow morning, and Dallas didn't want Logan to feel uncomfortable, so he opted not to.

"Can you describe them?" Dallas asked. Logan hesitated.

"Well, they are super nice, cute, and they have light brown hair," Logan said, trying to keep his description vague. "Now, tell me about your crush," Logan said, not wanting Dallas to ask anymore questions.

"They are kind, smart, and have dirty blonde hair." Dallas said, continuing to stare into Logan's eyes. Logan stared back.

"Am I super nice, cute, and have light brown hair?" Dallas asked himself. He racked his mind, trying to think of everyone who matched that description.

"I guess I'm nice, and I do have light brown hair," Dallas thought. "Does that mean he has a crush on me?" "He did use gender-neutral pronouns when describing his crush, so there's probably a good chance of it," Dallas thought.

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