Talk About Date

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Jules pov (10:27 am)

Jules woke up to her phone buzzing.

She reached over and grabbed her phone.

Javon 🥊

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Jules huvered her finger over the red botton.

Jules pressed the green botton and saw the buzz cut boy smiling at her.

"Hey jul" Javon said.

"Hey Javon what's up" Jules smiled

"First off how are you feeling" Javon said

"Good" Jules said

"Okay I was wondering since I promised you a date would you like to go on that date tonight?" Javon said looking all red

"Sure" Jules said

"Okay I'll pick you up at 7" javon smiled

"Okay" Jules said then hanging up


Jules pov (5:28 pm)

Jules was now debating on what outfit to wear.

Option 1

Option 2

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Option 2

She finally decided on option 1 with a Jean jacket since Javon had told her to dress casual ( if I want to use a diff outfit then you most certainly can)

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She finally decided on option 1 with a Jean jacket since Javon had told her to dress casual ( if I want to use a diff outfit then you most certainly can)

After she got changed Jules walked on to her desk, took her hair straightener out, plugged it in then started straightening her hair.


Jules pov (6:57)

While Jules was playing candy crush she had gotten a text from Javon telling her he was here.

Jules walked downstairs sliding her shoes on

She walked outside only to see Javon in a truck.

"Nice truck" Jules laughed

"Thanks" Javon smiled

She opened the car door and hopped into the truck.


Hey here's another update hope you enjoy it. Hope you enjoy you morning, afternoon or night whenever your reading this and also tysm for all the support it's literally AMAZING!! I love you guys so much.

 Hope you enjoy you morning, afternoon or night whenever your reading this and also tysm for all the support it's literally AMAZING!! I love you guys so much

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