Wait What..

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Jules pov (2:17am)

Jules had woken up to her brother yelling because he lost a match in his video game.

Jules grabbed her phone and texted her brother to shut up since she was trying to sleep but instead got a response of the middle finger emoji.

"Ugh" Jules groans.

Jules flipped her pillow to try and get the cold side and eventually fall asleep but she was not able to fall asleep.

Jules had finally fell asleep. Again.

Morning 11:58am

Jules woke up to her brother hitting her with a pillow trying to wake her up.

"Get out Jacob" Jules said as she pulled her sheets over her head.

"No mom said you have to get up" Javon said then putting down the pillow her was hitting her sister with and walking out her Jules room.

Jules had finally got up and she brushed her teeth and hair and got changed into a cozy but nice outfit(at the top) and finally walked downstairs.

"Hey hon" her father Eric said.

"Hello good morning." Jules said walking over to the kitchen island.

"More like afternoon" Jacob said put just earned a slap on the neck by Jules.

"What I'm just saying" Jacob said rubbing the back of his neck where Jules had hit him.

Jules walked over to the cabinet getting a cup the walked over to the counter where the orange juice was.

"Alright kids today were going to have the Walton's come over for dinner and board game night." Jules mother said with excitement.

Jules almost choked on the orange juice when she heard this.

"Wait What.." Jules said with a shocked expression.

Sorry this chapter is very short but Ima go to bed now but I promise I will make at least a pretty long one tomorrow but tysm for all the reads and I hope u have an amazing day, night or afternoon wherever you are.

Sorry this chapter is very short but Ima go to bed now but I promise I will make at least a pretty long one tomorrow but tysm for all the reads and I hope u have an amazing day, night or afternoon wherever you are

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The volleyball player & the boxerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें