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Guys, I am sorry but I'm gonna go on a hiatus for a while. This book nor the others are not discontinued, I promise. I just... need a long break. It hurts me to type all of this, it really does. I'm zoning out a lot more now... I have to shake my head just so I can understand what is being said to me.

I don't think I've said anything about this, but I have major problems inside my family's bond. To be more specific, my mother.

For over two-three years, my parents declared that they wouldn't be married anymore— and the hate and resentment arguments scared my younger siblings and I to no end in the beginning.

Now we just let it flow, we're used to it nowadays. And during those two-three years, they have scarred and traumatized me and my siblings— and all of it had something to do with my mother.

Whenever we needed her, she wasn't there. She out having fun. Partying. Partying. And when we needed a necessity, she was out doing stuff a mother shouldn't be doing.

I was 15 years old when my parents said they didn't want to be married anymore. I was 15 years old when my little sister came home crying to me in fear because of something I wouldn't dare type. I was 15 years old when my brother told my father, who was states away for his job to provide for us, that he was scared to be in the same house as my mother. I. Was. 15. Years. Old when I witnessed my mother nearly dying in front of me at a bar because of something that was in her system.

And you know what she did for all of that?

My sister? She was bowling. My brother? She was out with friends. Me? She brushed it off.

I turned 16 last year, just waiting for a new chapter to turn and finally live a life that didn't hurt anymore. But no. It followed. Those problems followed. But... I ignored all of it because I truly believed that she would change for us. I prayed that she would change for us.

It never happened. I'm 17 years old now and I reached my breaking point. For the one time in my life, I was scared of my mother. I am scared. When she caught my sister in her lies. My little sister who I'M suppose to protect. I was mad. I honestly don't want anything to do with her anymore until she can fix herself and become my mother again.

I don't know how long I'm going g to be gone, but I will come back and hopefully I'll be more happy then. If you can, and if you want, please pray for me, my family, yourself's and your family's.

I hope you're having a great day/night and remember, please remember that Jesus loves you. ❤️

Dragons Last Tear (Male! RayaxReader) Where stories live. Discover now