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~ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13

Okay, is it just me or it is everyone that goes for medieval times and horror live action shows because of the freakin suspense and raging cliff hangers it causes? Cuz I don't know! 😖😤


It's been over a year since the world went downhill... and Rayan was hating it.

Staying true to his father's last wish, Rayan searched out for Sisu as much as he could, but everything seemed to be against him really. He was losing hope that the world could be fixed— he looked through the rivers in Heart, Spine, Fang and found now sign of any dragon.

That's how he ended up where he was now, Horn. Sighing, Rayan pulled down his hat and slid off of a now bigger Tuk Tuk, the armadillo-pug unrolling and chirping deeply.

"We're here, buddy," Rayan started walking through the the wooden gates, frowning at the stone guards, their bows and daggers laying uselessly at their feet. Huge trees towered above him as the sun peaked through the many spaces, healthy green leafs and flowers attached to them. "Almost like someone was taking care of them..."

Despite this, Rayan couldn't help but look around in wonder, Horn was a beautiful place he'll give them that, it's definitely been a while since he actually stopped to look at any scenery's—

A twig snapped.

With a quiet gasp, Rayan quickly out his whip sword and took a stance— his posture stiff and locked. Which seemed to be his mistake as something clicked and a rope was wound around his ankle, "AH!" it naturally pulled him upside down but what sucked was that as it pulled him, his head hit the ground pretty hard— knocking him dizzy instantly.

Pain erupted from his head immediately and he groan. Through his muddled mind and muffled hearing, Tuk Tuk was whining in worry— stuck in his own trap now that a furry green figure was holding him down. Soon, another figure hoped down from the trees and in front of him, their body blurry as Rayan finally closed his eyes.

This is why he didn't stop and look...

. . . . .

He woke up to the sound of walking and a cracking fire, groaning, he placed a hand on his head and noticed that a damp rag was on his forehead. "What the...?" Taking it off, the blanket that was over him looked in his lap as he blinked away the dizziness before a voice spoke up.

"You were out all day. I was getting worried that you weren't gonna wake up." Rayan quickly turned his head to see a (H/C) haired girl with (E/N) eyes poking a stick at the fire she made, a makeshift stove up top of it as she watched the contents inside of the pot. Tuk Tuk was joyfully eating berries and other cut up fruits as a mid sized green Jaguar boredly  played with a ball next to the girl.

She was pretty. Wait—

"(Y-Y/N)? You're the one who set that trap?" He nearly smacked himself for saying that, it was obvious but the girl nodded anyway— giving him the confidence to ask a another question. "Is there... anyone else here?"

"No. They've all gone the same way everyone else has..." She shook her head, almost sadly as she started plating two bowls, standing up and giving one to him. He looked at it skeptical as she sat back down and took a bite of hers. "There's noting in it other than its ingredients, trust me."

With one final glare, he reluctantly took her word for it. It actually turned to be pretty good, and he was kind of sheepish to ask for seconds after devouring the first. While he stayed there, Rayan slowly got out of his shell and they oh-so happened to get to know one another again, she shared his sadness and frustration— they wanted to fix what was broken, to find someone they can talk too...

Dragons Last Tear (Male! RayaxReader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ