Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"Have I taken too much with me?"

"Entirely, Alexander. You won't need half of those clothes. We wear uniforms most of the time."

"But you get off days, don't you?"


"Ah...well, better safe than sorry."

Autumn, and we were back at Milkweed Academy. Me and Alexander. He'd taken his entrance exam over the summer and as expected, passed. Although he was a year older than I was, he would be starting at my level for the sake of being a beginner. He didn't mind it and he didn't find it to be a hinderance. He was more than happy to be in class with me, at least for now. It was our sorting year after all, and I honestly doubted that Alexander and I would be studying the same form of magic. He was entirely too soft to be a dark magic wizard. Regardless, we'd decided to room with one another this term.

Alexander was stunned with the environment and completely in awe of the surroundings as we entered the common hall with our suitcases. His head turned in all directions and his eyes were wide with excitement. I pointed out a couple spots along the way.

"That's the study hall, and that over there is the student lounge. You can eat there if you choose to, but I never do. The tables are almost always filled with crumbs and the students get rowdy after hours. Especially with the community television being there."


"This is the common hall. The dorms are up this stairwell. Come on!"

"I'm right behind you!"

Classes weren't slated to start till the weekend was over. This Friday evening was moving day for Milkweed students and the halls were bustling with students returning and walking in from all directions. I pointed out our room when I came across the brass numbers on the mahogany door. It was actually the room Sigmund and I had once shared, but he'd be dorming alone this year. He was lucky enough to nab a private room this term. Alexander hopped on his feet when we stopped at our door.

"Is this it?!" He asked.

"Yup! Open it!"

Pulling the key from the pocket of his denim dungarees, Alexander quickly unlocked the door and pushed it open. Together, we walked in, but jumped in surprise. We weren't the only ones inside.


"O-oh!" I gasped, swatting explosions of confetti from my face. Sigmund, Nicolai and Ivan had managed to find their way into our room. There was a welcome banner taped up across the window and upon our entrance, Alexander and I had been littered with metallic, rainbow confetti. He found it entertaining whilst I found it irritating. Especially when the sprinkles had caught onto my lip.

"What in the world—?!"

"Wow! This is really kind!" Alexander smiled, setting his suitcase aside. "Hello everyone! I'm Alexander Bloodworth, Kyle's cousin!"

"Two red heads?!" Nicolai laughed, revealing protruding, lower canine teeth that looked rather sharp. "Sheesh! Strong family genetics!"

"We're related, after all!"

"Cousins, huh? Welcome to Milkweed!" Sigmund grinned, shaking hands with Alex. "I didn't know you'd be starting here this year! I'm Sigmund Nightbreed!"

"Oh, yes! I know you!"

"Everyone does~!"

"Well, actually, I didn't know about you till Kyle told me..." Alexander blushed, getting a laugh out of Ivan and Nicolai. "I didn't know you were famous or anything, I just knew you to be Kyle's good friend." Sigmund blinked.

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