Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Final Goodbyes

"Is that everything?" My Necronomicon asked. I nodded, closing my suitcase after a great struggle.

"Just about..." I sighed, taking a look around my living room.

I was moving out today, for good. I'd contemplated on changing the furniture back to what I'd arrived to, but I shook my head towards the idea. The building advisor had been kind to me in the moments I'd seen him, so I figured I'd leave the place better than I found it. I also knew changing the rooms back would probably take a lot out of me, energy wise. I took a final look around the flat and felt my frown growing more and more with every room I stopped in. Especially the study. With my books already transported to the realm, the closed off nook of a room felt cold and empty where it once felt warm and full.

"I feel rather...melancholy..." I spoke to my Necronomicon. The book seemed to frown itself.

"I can understand why." It spoke. "Especially with your friends stopping by soon."

"I should turn in my keys before they come by, just to get that out of the way."

I'd called the costumed duo to stop by. I didn't exactly tell them I was moving, but it was because of how they'd reacted the first time around. When I'd first mentioned the fact that I was trying to return to Milkweed, they'd actually cried about it. I couldn't deal with that display again, at least not right now. It would truly break my heart.

Throwing on my backpack and pulling my suitcase out, I took one last glance at the flat before I closed the red door behind me. To my surprise, Mr. Wexler was already in the lobby of the building.

"Good morning!" Mike greeted. "All packed up?" I nodded in response.

"I'm ready to get going soon."

"It's been great having you here in my building for the school season!" Mike smiled. "You've been my best behaved resident yet!"

"I hope you don't mind the changes I made to the flat. I was a tad homesick, so I just switched a few things around."

"Changes?" Mike questioned, his voice suddenly oozing with concern. I held the keys out to him, which he took from me before bypassing me to enter my old abode. I heard a faint gasp from inside and just as quickly as he'd stepped in, he rushed out.

"Kyle?!" He breathed out, seemingly in shock. "That furniture looks incredibly expensive!"

"Keep it."

"You changed the lights too! When did you find the time to—?!"

"Thank you for hosting me in your building." I interrupted. I wouldn't go into a spiel about my abilities. I didn't see the reason to at this point. "You've been a welcoming host and I thank you, sincerely, for being the first kind face I saw when I landed here."

"Of course! A-any time!"

"I'll be taking my leave soon. You don't have to worry about calling me a taxi, I'm having someone pick me up instead." I was actually going through a portal, straight to the realm, but he didn't need to know that either. Mike nodded and held his hand out to me, which I took and gave a shake.

"If you're ever in this neck of the woods again and need a place to crash, you've got my number!"

"Thank you, Mike!"

"Took you this long to finally call me Mike and not sir! Hahaha! Safe travels, Kyle!"

"Hahaha! Goodbye!"

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