Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Galaxy Hills

Morning came and I was awake, bright and early. Thankfully, I didn't feel very jet lagged. I'd gotten changed, brushed my teeth and hair and headed into the kitchen with my backpack to start breakfast. My Necronomicon greeted me when it spotted me walking through the living room.

"Kyle! Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

"Well, don't you look dashing today!" The book teased. "Dressed to impress?"

"As if.." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "There's nothing impressive about a pullover sweater." The book followed me into the kitchen and watched me as I pulled a carton of eggs from the fridge, taking two of them out to scramble. I put my bag down on the floor and let it lean against a cabinet. I was wondering why it was still hovering around me, as it usually never did so for this long.

"What do you want?" I asked knowingly, whisking the eggs in a bowl. The Necronomicon almost looked to be grinning at me.

"Well...I was just hoping to accompany you today for your first day of school..."

"For what? To be in my business?"

"No, no! To support you!"

"Support, huh? Sure..." Turning to the stove, I grabbed a pan from the cabinet and clicked on the fire to start cooking. The book went on behind me.

"I mean it! I'm sure I'll be able to help you get through the day."

"I think I'll be fine."

"Oh please, Kyle?!" It begged now. I was growing annoyed and the book was distracting me at the stove, so I hushed it.

"Fine, fine! Just be quiet!"

Once I got through breakfast, I grabbed the snacks I'd picked up at the Frosty Mart the evening before and popped them into my bag. I grabbed my keys and pulled my backpack on. The Necronomicon asked to be left out of the bag for sight seeing, so I held it in my arms as we left the building. I made my way over to the bus stop where there was only one other student waiting, a short kid wearing a red leather jacket. It was the first person my age I'd seen since I'd moved here. We glanced at one another, but didn't greet one another. I was thankful for that, I didn't exactly feel like talking. I was still doing my best to take everything in, so I was mainly in the mood to observe.

When the yellow bus finally pulled up to the curb, we climbed on. I took a seat in the second row and the other kid took a spot towards the back. I turned my attention to the window as the bus started down the road and eyed the street on the lookout for more stops ahead. It wasn't long before we stopped again. This time, two girls hopped on the bus. One in very colorful attire and the other in a skirt and matching blazer. Before the bus was able to pull off again, a boy banged on the glass of the door and was let on, even though he was tardy. He had a skateboard tucked under his arm and sat with the boy in the back whilst the girls sat in the row behind me and talked to one another. Quite loudly, I'll add.

"I couldn't decide what to wear today, but I think this outfit is a winner. It's designer you know. Major label."

"You always look cute, Francine! We're already in our second week of school and I haven't seen any outfit repeats from you yet!"

"Me? Outfit repeats? Are you insane, Yo?! Repeats are for poor people."

"I mean, I wore this shirt last week, but it's only because it's my favorite."

"You know who wears repeats all the time? Nancy. How much do ya wanna bet she's gonna get on the bus with that same white t-shirt on?"

"The one with the blue stripes?"

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