Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"That's really good news!" Erin smiled over a crystal call the next day. I'd called to give her an update after getting notified that my documents had made it to Milkweed. I was thrilled! I was finally able to relax. I'd been anxious about how long the delivery was taking for weeks.

"What do you think will happen now?" I asked her, trying to familiarize myself with this stage of the process. Erin pondered for a moment, her index finger tapping on her chin in thought. I sipped my cup of tea while I waited for her to answer.

"Well..." She hummed. "I'm pretty sure the headmaster is the one who gets the documents."


"Mm-hmm! The headmaster is usually the one who does your evaluation too."

"What evaluation?"

"The evaluation is done to make sure that the student asking to be readmitted is actually ready and apologetic. They're gonna want to be sure that you're not coming back to Milkweed just to make more trouble. The student has to be genuine about their intent to return."

"So, it's like a test?"

"Pretty much." Erin nodded. "Although I'm not too sure how it happens. Milkweed didn't really specify that part in the handbook. Probably so you'd be caught by surprise."

"Oh, wonderful!" I grinned sarcastically. "I just love surprises!"


"Speaking of surprises, guess who I was overjoyed to see yesterday?"

"Hm? Who?" I finished off my tea and set the cup to the side where I was seated in my study. I chuckled before I finally answered Erin.

"Your favorite person, Sigmund!"

"Wait—what?! Stop, Kyle! Where?!"


"In Galaxy Hills?"

"Yes! It was unbelievable! He even gave me tickets to the show he put on last night. You heard about his tour, haven't you?"

"How couldn't I?" Erin responded with an eye roll. "It's all everyone's talking about. So, how was the show?"

"Wouldn't know. Didn't go."

"You didn't go?!" Erin laughed. I laughed with her. "Why not?!"

"As if!" I scoffed as she laughed on. "No! No! No! I don't want anything to do with his circus!"

"Circus?! HAHAHA! Kyle, please!"

"I'm serious! I saw enough of him at his little event. He was signing autographs whilst dressed like some sort of circus ring master! I was nauseated!"

"Did lots of people show up?"

"Tons! The whole town, practically!"

"Ah...he's doing well then, huh? Lots of fans."

I caught Erin's tone and frowned for a moment. She'd sounded a bit sad, but just as quickly as she'd spoken out, she'd continued on to cover it up.

"Well, good for you, too!" She smiled. "I'm not sure if I can help you anymore though. I mean, the rest of this process is up to Milkweed. It's really all in their hands now. I'm sorry..."

"Now, what on Earth are you apologizing for?" I gasped. "Erin, you've helped me more than enough! I would've been lost without your help! I owe you everything!"

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