Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Panic Attack

I ended up stopping on the eighth floor where the pool was. Ivan and Nicolai were the only two at the indoor pool, but by amount of noise they were making and the volume of said noise, you would've thought there was an entire classroom inside.

"Kyle!" Nicolai greeted from the steps of the shallow end of the pool where he was sat.

Ivan flipped off the diving board on the deep end, sank to the bottom and came back up, instantly starting a lap down the length of the pool. He met us at the stairs and propped himself up on his forearms with his lower half still in the water.

"Why the hell are you still wearing a coat?" Ivan questioned me. "You insecure or something?" I rolled my eyes.

"I was actually going to skip out on the swim." I told them, turning away to sit on a nearby lounge chair. I pulled off my backpack and my coat quickly. The humidity in the room was beginning to make me sweat. "I was hoping to see some city lights this evening, but Sigmund and Erin are unreasonable."

"Erin was here?!" Nicolai gasped. I pulled my Necronomicon from my bag and it instantly jumped into the conversation.

"Kyle is a matchmaker in the making!" The book gossiped. "He called her without Sigmund knowing and they both showed up at the entrance of the hotel, completely dumbfounded!"

"Excuse me!" I shouted, grabbing the book from the air. It only went on.

"They argued back and forth and Kyle left them alone together. Oh! I could only imagine the outcome! I wish you stuck around a bit longer!"

"For what?! I'm sick of them! And I'd really like to get some sight-seeing in before this trip ends."

Ivan pulled himself from the water suddenly and shook out his shiny, black hair. His physique put mine to shame. Anyone's would, to be honest. It was the reason my uncle poked fun at me. Walking over to me, he pointed out a towel that was hung on the head of the lounge chair behind me.

"Mind passing that to me?"

"O-oh! Sorry..." I stammered. I handed it to him and he towel dried his hair quickly, setting the towel over his shoulders when he'd finished.

"I'm down to head out if you wanna go." He finally shrugged. "We've been swimming for a while now. I'm bored."

"Where are we gonna go?!" Nicolai grinned as he rushed out from the water himself, pulling on a pair of flip flops. I had a spot in mind already.

"Sigmund and Erin both suggested Times Square." I told them, feeling myself growing excited. "We could start there?"

"My cellphone is up in the suite." Ivan replied. "I'll plug the spot into my GPS and we can fly out."

With all of us agreeing with the plan, we headed back up to the suite. The boys showered and changed and after a while, we were out on the pavement in front of the hotel. It was already dark out. The streetlights had turned on, lighting up the span of the pavement. We marveled at the glittering buildings, already aglow from the windows. Ivan held up his phone and conjured his broom.

"Got it!" He smirked. "Let's go!"

I conjured my broom and Nicolai hopped on the back. He was heavier than a sack of cement bricks and there was no way I'd be able to fly with him. Nicolai slapped me on the back, as if he was some cowboy on the back of a horse. I was baffled!

"C'mon!" He ordered. "I wanna see the lights!"

"You're kidding me, right?!"

"Hurry up! Ivan's in the air!"

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