Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Public School

"We'd be happy to have him join us!" The headmaster of the local public school nodded, speaking to my aunt the following morning. The headmaster, Meghan, turned her attention to me, giving me a smile. "If you'd like, Kyle, you can join your class today and see what they're working on? We're only a week into the new year."

"What do you say?" My aunt asked me. "Do you want to start today?" I nodded, gripping the strap of my schoolbag.

"Sure." I agreed. "I bought my school supplies with me. I'm not in uniform though..."

"I'll send your aunt home with your uniform so you can be prepared for tomorrow." Headmaster Meghan told me. "You're alright for today, don't worry yourself. Welcome to Waverley Prep!"

I was handed my syllabus and followed behind Alexander for a quick tour after parting ways with my aunt Lillian and Headmaster Meghan. Alex seemed more thrilled than I was to be back in school. He had an obviously joyful pep in his step, even though we weren't in any classes together. He was in Year 9 and I was starting Year 8.

"I can't believe we're back in school together again!" Alexander grinned. "If you need any help with anything at all, ask for me. Alright? I'll leave my class to help you. I told all my teachers that you'd be starting this week."

"Thanks, Alex." As my cousin left me in front of my first classroom, I looked over the courses and honestly felt underwhelmed, which wasn't a bad feeling in the slightest. Everything was straightforward. Literature, maths, science, history. I hadn't seen such a normal schedule in a long time. No elixirs and potion formulas or introduction to broom riding or anything remotely complex. I knocked on the door to the classroom, which was already in session when I arrived. Outside the door was a brass name plate reading "Mrs. Stokes; Year 8". After a moment, a teacher opened the door to the room and peered out into the hall, smiling when their framed eyes fell on me.

"Kyle Bloodworth-Thomason, right?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes, yes! The headmaster just phoned about you! Wonderful! Do come in!"

I walked in slowly and my eyes instantly peered out towards the class, which was jointly fixated on me. It was an awkward moment that I hadn't anticipated. With so many eyes on me, I felt myself shrink down a little till the teacher spoke again.

"Class, we have a new student joining us this semester. Kyle, you can sit in any of the empty desks in the back row. We're starting a new book to kick off the school year, so take one from the basket there before you settle in."

I nodded and grabbed a tattered book from the wicker basket Mrs. Stokes had set beside her desk. I walked through the rows of desks, watching eyes following me all the way to the back of the room, and took a spot at a desk that had a vandalized table top. Carved into and doodled on all over with permanent marker. Public school. I opened my schoolbag for a pencil and notebook, hooking the bag behind my chair when I found what I needed.

"Alright pupils!" Mrs. Stokes clapped at the front of the room, grabbing the attention of the class again. "Let's read through the second chapter, silently, and then we'll answer the chapter questions in our workbooks."

Looking down at the book I had grabbed, I noticed it was one I'd already read before, years ago. Not only that, but it was at a level that was drastically lower than what I was used to. I looked around the room and noticed how focused everyone else seemed to be. Mrs. Stokes approached my desk, setting a workbook down in front of me.

"There you go!" She whispered. "That's your workbook for literature. This one is for maths, this one is for science and this one is for history. Homework assignments will be done out of each."

KyleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ