Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The Delicate Process

The day had miserably dragged on. The idiots continued to harass me for the remainder of the school day and after a while, I decided to just stay quiet and let them ramble on. It was the best and most freeing feeling in the world when school let out for the day. Stepping out of the stale air of the public school and into the semi-fresh air of the urban streets was an improvement to say the very least. Students from my class rushed to hop onto the afternoon bus, but I opted to ride my broom home instead.

Bypassing the bus, Fanboy and Chum Chum seemed to gasp when they noticed me walking away from the transportation.


"My goodness, they're obnoxious..." My Necronomicon commented under my arm. I rolled my eyes.

"What? You've only just noticed?" I groaned. "I don't think I can take another day of this."

"I don't think I've ever heard people speak so loudly when they're right beside you!"

"First time for everything, I suppose. And last time too. I'm finished with this school."

"Wait, already?" The book questioned me. "So soon? This has only been your first day."

"I've had enough already." I sighed, pausing at the curb to conjure my broom. "I just....I don't know..."

"What's on your mind?"

"Truthfully? Milkweed."

"I see..."

"I didn't think I cared for the place anymore." I admitted. "In fact, I felt like the academy was the reason my life was in shambles. Now that I'm here though, I don't feel as though things have gotten any better. I'm still stressed, just in a different way. And to top it all off, I miss magic. I just don't know about the...normalcy of this life here."

"But how can you be so sure so soon?" My Necronomicon asked me as I climbed aboard my broomstick. "I think you should give it at least a week."

"A week? Do you really think s—?"


I jumped when I heard my name suddenly called out on the street. Snapping my neck around to look behind me, I watched as the green and orange idiots approached me quickly after Fanboy had shouted out to catch my attention. For the love of me, I don't know why they opted to skip out on their bus ride home just to follow me.

"You look funny!" Chum Chum giggled, finally catching up to me. He pulled at the end of my broom and managed to pluck out some of the birch bristles. I found that disrespectful. Brooms like these were expensive in the realm, though mine wasn't a high end model. They were hand crafted by skilled witches and coveted items for most of the occult.

"HEY! Don't do that!" I gasped, turning my body so the end was away from them both. Chum Chum only followed the end of it to pluck yet another twig. "Will you just leave me be?! I'm trying to get home!"

"On a broom? How?" Fanboy laughed. "You're a quirky guy, Kyle."

"I'm not having this conversation again..." I mumbled, mainly to myself. Turning back around, I took a running start before taking off into the sky. I didn't care if anyone in the area saw me, I just wanted to get away. I'd had enough. Behind me, I heard the boys gasp. I spotted them chasing after me from below and honestly had a good laugh about that. Just plain stupid. I was instantly relieved when I'd lost them after flying over a thread of buildings. I felt like I could breathe again.

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