Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The Enemy

"O-oh!" I gasped. I wasn't expecting Sigmund to answer the call, but there he was on the other end and he didn't look thrilled to see me. Not in the slightest.

"What do you think you're doing calling Erin's crystal?!" He questioned immediately. I didn't know how to respond, especially hearing how upset his tone was coming off. I was completely taken aback.


"Don't call Erin! EVER!"

"What the-why are you shouting?" I heard faintly in the background on Sigmund's end. Then I heard a gasp from the same voice as Sigmund's head swung in their direction. "Wait. Is that my crystal?"

I recognized the voice, it was Erin. She was clearly shocked to see Sigmund had answered her call. He didn't seem to back down from her protest for the crystal back though and an argument quickly formed.

"Why is he calling you?" Sigmund asked harshly.

"Why are you answering my calls?" Erin snapped back.

"You've been helping him, haven't you? I told you to leave the situation alone and stop talking to him! He's trouble! He didn't want our help!"

"You can't tell me who I can and can't talk to! Give me my crystal back!"


"Sigmund, give me my crystal!"

"Not if you're going to talk to him! No!"

"You're being petty!"

I watched them argue back and forth and felt myself feeling completely guilty. Erin had warned me earlier in the day that she was going to see Sigmund later, but I didn't think she would've still been hanging out. I should've known better though, it was the weekend after all and people apart from me actually had social lives. I also didn't think he would've answered her call. I should've been more careful.

"Sigmund, don't yell at her, please!" I spoke out between the bickering. "I reached out. It's my fault." Sigmund turned his attention back to the crystal and gave me a look that could've honestly given me a generational curse. I could feel the blood draining from my face in fear.

"It is your fault!" He nodded. "All your fault! Not mine, not hers, so stop calling us!"

"Give me my crystal back!" Erin shouted, finally snatching it away from the sorcerer who was caught off guard. "I'm sick of this! He said sorry already! What's your deal? We have to help him!"

"So you've been talking with him behind my back?!" Sigmund accused. "Is that what's going on? Is that why he's calling you?"

"Yes! I'm tired of walking on eggshells about this. It's silly. He's my friend!"

"Oh, wunderbar!" Sigmund retorted, his response dripping with sarcasm. "So happy for you! Glad you're friends, have fun with your friend then."

"Where are you going?"

"Back to Milkweed."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Are you? Are you kidding me?!"

"Guys...." I pouted. "Come on! Stop!" I was ignored and the argument between them only escalated from there. Behind me, my Necronomicon was having a great time watching the whole scene play out.

"If you walk out, I don't wanna see you anymore!" Erin yelled, looking behind her.

"....You don't mean that." Sigmund muttered after a pause. The witch nodded.

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