24 Name on the tombstone

Start from the beginning

"Umm, that sounds like a wonderful idea..." before she could speak in, Emily barged into the middle of the conversation.

"Wait a second, why are you only inviting her? What about me?" Emily said with annoyed tone. She also wants to be added in the group.

"I am sorry Emilia, but there are no kids allowed"

"Kids!? Do i look like a kid to you? I am just 13" she crossed her arms.

Anastasia covered Emily's mouth to make her stop talking. "Don't worry ruby, i will call grandma to pick her up. I also want to meet Miss Agnes urgently."

That is what she has been waiting for from the morning. Finally she could ask Agnes to make her the bracelet that broked last night.

"Fine then let's go"


When Agnes was watering the plants in the courtyard, she heard the bell ringing from the door. It must be ruby she thought. That's why she shouted loudly to call her inside.

"Come in, the door is open" After that she started watering the bushes again.

She looked at the door and noticed that with ruby Anastasia and Emily also came to visit her.

"What a pleasant surprise, i didn't expected to see you here. Is everything ok?" She asked in worrying tone. Because she knows that this village is threat to Anastasia.

"No, everything is fine. But sorry for coming uninvited, ruby told me that you knows many things about herbs and i am also very interested in medical. so i couldn't say no to her"

"Oh, no no no. It is my pleasure to have you here. Please come inside." She kept the plant sprayer in the table and wipped her hands with a handkerchief.

Anastasia glanced around her and noticed that the courtyard was filled with many type of plants that she can't even name.

The strong light from the sun was falling on those herbs because of the open roof. By looking at the place you can clearly tell that Agnes took care of the plants very well. And then she remembered that she saw similar plants in Isabelle's house too.

"Everyone please be sitted down. And Emilia mostly kids are not allowed here. But till Isabelle comes, you can stay here. Just don't touch anything, okay? It could be dangerous."

"Alright Granny" Emily said while sitting beside Anastasia obediently.

Anastasia was just staring at her with disbelief. When did this brat started to become so obedient? Is she alright?

"Okay, so everyone look at the plant in front of you. Can anyone guess which plant it is?"

Anastasia was clueless, she just kept staring at the plant like it was alien for her. She has a lot of knowledge about medicines but she didn't knew anything about the trees.

Emily stood up from her chair while being excited. "I know it, i know it. This is an orange flowers tree" she said proudly but was dissapointed when she saw others laughing.

Agnes smiled. "No,It is not a flower tree. This is a calendula plant. It is used for many things. Like preventing muscle spasms, starting a menstrual periods, and also reducing fever."

Emily made a embarrassed face "ohh, my bad. I have never seen this plant, i only heard about it in my class." Saying that, she sat on her chair again.

Anastasia patted her shoulder. "Don't be disheartened Emily. Atleast you tried, Unlike us, who didn't even answered. But to be honest we really admire your confidence while speaking about something you don't know about."

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