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"*gasp* Daddyyy." Rose whined, running out of the room back into the kitchen where Hoseok was standing making lunch for the two of them.

"What's wrong." He asked tentatively, looking at his child that was running towards him.

"Why is miss Rin in the guest bedroom?" She asked in a whiny voice, hanging on to her fathers leg like she had just seen a ghost.

After Brea had fainted in the police station they decided to lay her and leave her in a hope she would wake up soon, however that never happened, leading them to find her address and call the landline to be presented with a man on the other end saying she didn't live there, even despite owning most the apartment.

Both Officer Jung and Park had them sat down and thought of all the possible places they could leave her over night, there were no beds there only prison cells, that was not the place they were going to let her stay, leading to eventually deciding to take her back home so then she could leave when she awoke.

"I found her fainted so until she wakes up she will be here, don't bother her or ask her any questions at school you hear me? If you have any questions you ask me." Her father responded, temporarily stopping making her lunch to make she sure she heard him, he couldn't let her know too much, even if she didn't speak at school.

"Okay." Rose replied, quickly wiggling out of his hands to go back to watching her television show that was playing as usual.

However what Hoseok hadn't realised was that during the time Rose had found her and come running to him, Brea had woken up and heard everything, finally able to assimilate why she was suddenly in a new house, but not just any house, HIS house.

Brea took the initiative to wait a while before she presented her aswell as alive and well, she still felt funny from the previous days events but at least now she was awake and didn't feel close to another fainting spell any time soon.

When Brea reached back to the bed where she had woken up in, she spotted her bag placed next on the floor leaning next to the nightstand, quickly she was able to find her phone where she found she had countless missed calls and texts from all wondering where she was, especially as she had told Dawa she might pop round and when she said that, she actually meant she would be coming to prepare them, also assuming, Yara had called them after her presence being missed from her not returning after being out since late morning, which would now lead her to being out for... 24 hours, she woke up at what her phone said as 10 almost 11 am which was just before she received the call which had led her to where she was now.

"I- I'm alive." Brea quietly muttered, not wanting Hoseok to hear her yet, she had debated whether to make herself known first but decided on making one call so atleast they could notify everyone else of her existence.

"Bro where were you we were all worried sick, what are you Dawah now." Seol-a confronted through the phone, her voice clearly relieved to hear Brea's voice.

"Long story short I got a call, genuine call that I will tell you when I get to Dawa's and when I was there I fainted and I guess they didn't know where I live-." Brea paused realising she was with a policeman, someone who could have very easily have just searched where she lived.

"Then what? You okay." Dawah questioned, having been given the phone by Seol-a who had to run to the toilet, feeling her bladder start to retell her that there was a reason she stood up before getting distracted with the phone call.

"Yeah yeah I'm okay and then I woke up in a new house but I know them but I can't say right now, I need to go I'll talk later." Brea hurried, ending the call brumptly putting her phone away as her nerves built up that he was going to hear her, she didn't know why she was nervous about him knowing she was awake but it was there and she couldn't ignore it.

"Right well that's one down now the real one." she muttered to herself getting herself together to make her way out of the room, following the chopping sound to find Hoseok still in the kitchen cooking, it may still be early morning but on a sunday morning especially with a child you ate earlier.

"Oh hi you're awake." Hoseok said calmly, giving her a welcoming smile that surprisingly helped kill any nerves she felt beforehand.

"Yeah thanks I am going to need an explanation first though." She smiled back shrugging her hands as she suddenly shivered from the change of temperature after being in a warm bed for so long.

"Understandable, let me make lunch then we can talk as then Rose will be fully distracted, if in doubt feed Rose that's my motto for her." He chuckled, Brea admired how relaxed he was especially with basically a stranger in his house but she didn't mind it.

However what she didn't know was that to him she was anything BUT a stranger.

"Ah alright okay." she replied, making her way onto the sofa, opposite ends from where Rose was huddled up against the arm of the sofa, her eyes wide as she watched the television as if her life depended on it.

The room was then silent for a while, to her luck the kitchen and sofa were almost merged into one, the only sound being from the tv and Hoseok working in the kitchen, putting in the food in to cook.

Before long, Hoseok shouted for Rose saying the food was ready, startling Brea who had unexpectedly fallen asleep on the sofa listening to peppa pig, a show that every young child like Rose loved.

"Someone's tired." Hoseok joked, plancing himself on the sofa in the place Rose had been sitting beforehand.

"Yeah I am but don't worry." She replied, a small smile forming on her face as Hoseok looked at her, he would probably never admit it but the look on his face now told Brea so many things, before his eyes were expresssionless closing off the world but now it was as though if she really tried she could see his thoughts, but not in a creepy way.

"So I'm guessing you wanna know everything after you had your fainting spell."

"I mean that is the reason I am here isn't it." she joked,

"Yeah true anyway so."

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