Twenty-one 🔥

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A booming thunder crashed in the distance.
A lighting that tore the night sky into two unequal halves followed almost simultaneously.

Deborah opened her eyes, panting like a hart pursued by a tiger.
An urgent message.
More scary was how her dream had merged with current reality-the thunder was an echo of the one in her dream. Both had startled her awake.

Deborah knew she rarely ever remembers her dreams in such vivid details. Even more rarely did she have something akin to a nightmare.
This was one of the ways God used to speak to her if and only if it was an emergency.

Shaking, she tapped Jeremiah who was sprawled on the bed beside her. He moaned and rolled over.
She put on the bedside lamp and glanced at the neon clock.
12:00am. On the dot.

The wind howled like a banshee, past the window.
Something was off.
Again, she tapped Jeremiah more intensely and called his name.
"Jay! Jay! Wake up!"

He groggily sat up to look at her. Concern slowly filled his face when he saw how agitated she was.

"Deb, darling? What happened?"

"I- I had a terrible dream. It looked so real."

The look on Deborah's face was enough to make Jeremiah take it seriously.

She relayed to him how she had seen destruction, chaos and blood everywhere and how Ella seemed to be in the middle of it, crying for help.

The mention of Ella heightened the urgency. They knelt down, held hands and began to pray prayers of authority.

The wind storm advanced. Thunder and peals of lightning scarred the sky, brightening up the black night.

"Jay," Deborah said when they had rounded off and he was cuddling her on the bed. She was trembling from the after effect of memories of what she had seen in her dream and had asked her husband to hold her when they were done praying.

"Hmm? What's it, darling?"

"I'm still feeling really uneasy in my spirit. Can we call Pastor Mike?"

"But it's terribly late. Won't we be disturbing him unnecessarily? And besides, we have already prayed. Don't you believe that God has answered us?"

"I do. I do. I just feel like... I don't know... Like our spiritual mentor should know. And fast. If you had seen what I saw, Jay..."

"Alright then, darling."

Jeremiah got his phone out and called the pastor's home line. The man picked on the first ring. Which was odd for this time of the night.

"Hello Pastor, we're so sorry to-"

"Son, you and your wife have to come right away. Something is happening. God revealed it, not in specific details, though, to me while I was studying the scripture late into the night. And my wife had a dream to confirm it." Jeremiah looked at Deb who was by now wondering what was being said on the other side of the line. Incredible!
"We've been praying but I just felt God wants to involve all of us. I was just picking u the phone to call you when yours entered," Pastor Mike said.

The line was breaking. The bad network was most probably due to the interference of the storm.

"Meet us... Church auditorium. Be here... As fast as you can."

"Yes sir."

"What happened?" Deborah asked as he dropped his android phone on the bed.

"We have to get going." He said as he got off the bed and went over to the adjacent closet to get something warmer to wear in this chilly weather. Deborah did the same.
"Apparently, God revealed something similar to them."

Chronicles of FlamesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon