Twenty-two 🔥

36 22 24

Rouge was stunned. It had felt as though electricity had zapped through them. In a blink of an eye, the had scenery blurred and refocused, changed.

Could this night get any more mysterious?
And where were they?

Ella, who also was regaining her balance from the shock of the unusual transportation, was panting hard as if she was hyperventilating.

El? Rouge thought, surprised by her friend's reaction.
You're supposed to be the expert on these things. I just got my first true glimpse into this spiritual drama that I had only imagined existed in fiction. And just about how many hours ago for crying out loud?!

However, Rouge shoved the feeling aside and focused on Ella who was doubled over, hands on her knees, trying hard to regain her breath.
Rouge held her by the shoulder, not sure exactly what to do, why they were here, or where on earth they were.
And it was still, quite strangely, windy. Like a large rent had been made in the heavens by the lightning cut. It seemed like any moment from now, they'd be ripped off the ground and blown away by the wind.

Rouge risked a glimpse around to have an idea of where they were. It was so dark except for the occasional lightning which revealed a white-washed, tall building behind them. She didn't have the chance to study it well, but she could guess it was a hall of sorts. Before them, was an infinity edge...
Then Rouge realized.
They were on a cliff! And the waters were madly turbulent, beating against the rocks.

In the distance, Rouge's eye caught the glimpse of something. She straightened and squinted to get a better view.

It was red light.


Ella knew immediately where they had landed. They were behind Burning Light Ministries auditorium. This was the location of her total liberty. This was the same cliff where she had gazed at the rising sun, the same place where Deborah and Jeremiah had hosted their wedding reception and those goons came to 'legally' cart her away into an illegal bondage.

She was stunned. Why of all places did they end up here? She had no idea what she was expected to do here!
But at the same time there was such an overarching download of information on her mind. 

Intercessors inside. Pastor Mike. Mommy Ruth. Deborah. Jeremiah. Matthew...
'Wait, Mathew? He hasn't backed off?' Ella's heart leaped at the possibility.
...And many other faithfuls you may or may not know, scattered across this island and the world who are currently on their knees spiritually, interceding for you.
The battle.
The long planned and long awaited emergence of the demon Lord Dagon.
You, the chosen vessel. Covenanted before you were born by your ancestors. You, the 100th female descendant of a philistine princess.
You, redeemed by Love Himself.
Tonight, you will fight in the Lord's name and redeem this entire land over to God.

And then, there was the startling fact that she could see into the spiritual realm.
She could still see the angels that had brought them here. Her three huge winged angelic spirits and the new curious looking one, whose name she somehow knew was Pagiel, that seemed to hover more around Rouge.

Behind her was the church, surrounded with fiery angels of light. They formed a perfect curve around and above the building and they were all facing the cliff.
Some stood on glimmering fiery chariots held with horses. All of them were thoroughly armoured and brandished a unique weapon that seemed to have been fashioned with their spirit.
In total, they looked a total of a host of hundred mighty angels ready for war.

Everywhere was frighteningly bright, which was a stark contrast to the thick darkness Ella had grown accustomed to in the prison. Her eyes hurt a bit from the glare.

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