Twenty-five 🔥

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Ella picked out the strands of hair that had been slapped—all thanks to the westward, salty ocean air that blew in from the Atlantic—into her eyes. The gust of wind was a welcome treat, a momentary AC in the blazing of the mid-afternoon sun high up in the sky.

In her hands were two slim handouts and a six-in-one notebook. A small but fashionable bag was strapped over her right shoulder.
Head high, eyes forward, she walked through the pathway in the lawn, from her lecture room towards the school gate.

It was already 2:07pm. Today, being Tuesday, was one of those days when she had piles of classes in Coasta Hera Open University where she'd resumed as a part-time student a week ago.

She was feeling really alive and happy, unlikely of a person who had just plodded through a torrent of boring lectures.

Ever since the victory against those demons, she'd been having bouts of unspeakable joy. Her faith had soared, her relationship with the Redeemer had gotten deeper and her purpose was gradually becoming clearer—to help others who are lawful captives like she once was to become free, which she figured was one of the reasons He had given her an easy admission into the Open University.

But that didn't mean she wasn't stressed out. Aquaculture was an interesting course with bored and demanding lecturers.

Hopefully, she'd get a bus real quick, hop by at Rutie's Fashion Store for her part-time work shift till evening, then go home to properly rest.

It had been about three weeks since the final show down between good and evil, with good triumphing by a narrow inch. Ella couldn't believe time has gone so fast.

Jeremiah and Deborah finally got to enjoy their delayed honeymoon in an exquisite yacht. Their couple's paradise lasted three days and by the time they came back, Ella watched Deborah's flushed and animated face with a tint of envy.

Rouge Clatrava went back to her family a new person and insisted on always coming to say hi to Ella at Rutie Fashion Store from time to time.

The girl stuck like a shoot to a root. And falling in love with Mrs Layson bubbly and motherly nature, she went on to become a regular attendee of Burning Light Ministries, convincing her mother to come along on occasion.
Rouge submitted to discipleship and joined the converts' class.
Her father barely knew their daughter had been abducted. He was overseas on yet another business expenditure.

Rouge's new goal was to get her family to accept Christ and taste of the marvellous love and power that she has been opportune to partake of.

Many times, Ella and Rouge would reminisce their experience that supernatural night and would laugh, reliving their shock and terror and awe.
Rouge said she'd almost had a cardiac arrest by the overload of supernatural things that happened that night.

Sometimes, when no one was watching, both of them spent time in secluded places, their favourite spot being the Cliff, mediating on scriptures and also practicing their gifts.

According to Ella, they shouldn't relax because the adversary was an ever-prowling lion and he'll keep looking for opportunities to strike again. They had to be ever alert and prepared. The divine abilities that God had gifted them with couldn't be wasted.

She never ceased to remind young Rouge that this unusual gift was just God's merciful extension of their spiritual weapons, so that she shouldn't allow pride to consume her and corrupt the gift like it happened to Lucifer.

Rouge had been a good student, growing and learning fast. She could now aim almost to perfection and hurl balls of flames in smoky projectiles.
Her recent discovery—that she could make the fire into whatever shape she so imagined and move it as she wanted, made her so excited and slightly spooked.

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