
Eilir's legs sat crisscrossed on top of the counter as he ate mac n cheese. Or what everyone hoped was mac n cheese.

A small juice pouch rested against his leg as he hummed contently to himself. After all he got food, juice and staples. What more could he wish for?

As he raised the spoon to his mouth to take another bite, a loud crash followed by a door being thrown open could be heard. Directing his attention to the now open door, he stares at the out of breath male.

Tenko stood panting in the door frame. A cover from the game with Mothra in it rested in his hand. Holding up one finger, he rested the other hand on his knee as he tried to catch his breath. "One...second..."

Onyx eyes seemed to stare through his body. Finally, being able to breathe again, Shigaraki rushes up to Eilir. Holding up the video game cover, his flakey hand points towards Mothra. "Is this your mother?!" His voice cracks slightly as he resists the urge to bounce on the balls of his feet.

Dabi and Eilir share a similar look before looking back at the male as if he lost his mind. Tilting his head to the side, Eilir reminds emotionless as he shoves more noodles in his face. Dabi was nearly 95% sure the kid wasn't even chewing.

"What's mother?" His voice comes out innocently as he swallows the big bite of noodles.

Dabi and Shigaraki pause in their tracks. How could the kid not know what a mother was? Was it possible UA was making nomus too? Or were they stealing kids?

What kind of evil person steals kids?!

Appalled by his lack of knowledge, Shigaraki scoops Eilir into his arms. "It is decided! From now on, I shall be this child's mother!" The blue haired male exclaims while throwing his fist into the air. Completely disposing of the cover, he was once holding onto for dear life.

"Don't you mean fathe-"

"Shut up Dabi."


"Come on Eilir! Call me mom! You can do it!" Shigaraki chanted as he held a piece of fruit in front of Eilir's face. Bribes man, they work every time. He would rather be called dad but he can't let Dabi be right. So mom it was.

The villain wasn't really sure what he wanted to gain from this. Maybe just the idea of being loved like Mothra was clouded his judgement. He doesn't even know where the kid came from for crying out loud! For all he knew Eilir could've been from UA- wait...

"Dabi, where did you find Eilir..?"

"Oh, I didn't find him. I stole him."

"That isn't so ba-"

"From UA."



"The troops are ready sir!" A random low-ranked pro-hero shouted. His hand was stuck in a saluting motion, literally it was his quirk, to make everyone salute when he does. 

The army of heroes stood behind him, ready for their commands. They weren't entirely sure as it why they were here, but after receiving a distress call from the Principal of UA himself, they couldn't just sit back. What would normally be impossible, became reality. Heroes from all across the global gathered on the campus. 

Nezu sat on Aizawa's shoulders, a fierce look on his face. Grabbing ahold of the raven hair, he pulled a strand to the right. Aizawa's arm raises up in a pointing motion. "Today is the day the League of Villains is eradicated for once and for all! We will no longer stand by while they steal our children! I notion for you to join us in this mission! And help Japan become a safe country once again!" Nezu's voice cut through the air like a knife. His small rat arms manipulated Aizawa's body to act as if he was the one giving the speech. The poor pro-hero couldn't look any deader inside.

Cheers roared across the crowd as they felt their morals rise. It wasn't every day you had an excuse to beat up a bunch of mentally ill people in costumes while wearing one yourself. Guns fired into the sky, quirks ran rapid, and 1-A was stealing everybody's wallets.

They were going to get Eilir back, even if it was the last thing they do. Not really of course, they had to be home for dinner of Zihao would beat them.

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How in the world is this book getting more likes per chapter than Green Smog 💀

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