AFaG Pt 2

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 Louie watched after his family as they marched into the game room. Shoved his hands in his pockets, he spun around to face his younger brother. "Well, Dew, I guess we should..." His sentence drifted off as read Dewey's worrisome expression. "Uh, Dewey?"

"This is bad." Dewey's voice grew squeaky and quiet. He paced in a circle, rubbing his hands. "Did you see how worried Bradford and Launchpad were? I don't know what that means but it can't be good!"

"Dewey!" Louie snapped his fingers in Dewey's face, snapping him from his panic. "Come on, it's just game night! What happened to being brave?"

"Yeah, but then you mentioned all that stuff about mom and risking our lives- Fethry's crazy, and our family is great at getting into trouble! Who knows what one harmless game night could lead to!" Dewey waved his hands back and forth, his breath quickening.

Louie shook his head, coming to stand behind Dewey. The green triplet nudged his younger brother towards the game room. "Eh, it's just quiet night in. I'll make sure of it." Dewey seemed to be calming down. Louie smiled taking a few steps in the right direction. "Tonight, there will be no-"


Dewey yelped at the voice, while Louie jolted with a start, nearly faceplanting in his walk. The two spun around to see who had shouted.

Zan Owlson shoved the doors to the foyer open, proudly cheering. She waved a megaphone around in her hand. "What is up, bois! Zan Owlson's here to drop the latest and greatest of Mark's doohickeys! Boom!" She thrust the megaphone in Louie's face. "Check it."

Louie shoved the object away. "Geez, woman, where do you get your vocabulary from? The last decade's internet?"

Owlson flipped her hair away. "Besides the point. Cringe culture's dead anyways. Back to the gadget, I was digging through some of Mark's junk and found this handy dandy microphone. I'm sure he doesn't mind if we play with it for a bit." A naughty smirk crossed her face.

Dewey peeked out from behind Louie. "Uh, that's a megaphone."

"Nope! I'm calling this one a microphone, because it makes small noises loud."

Louie and Dewey exchanged a look. Didn't megaphones do that too?

Scanning over their confused faces, Owlson decided to elaborate. "Look, look, I'll show you." She messed with a dial on the back. A mixed audio of grunts and cheers came from the open cone. "What's that sound, you're wondering? That, my dudes, is a tiny civilization. Inside your own home!"

"Tiny people?" Dewey raised a foot, frowning. "Hope I'm not crushing any of them!"

"Eh, they're fine. They're so small, they probably just fit in the air between your foot and the ground." Owlson waved him off. "Isn't it cool?"

"I guess?" On any other day, Louie would've been fawning over the brilliance of Mark Beaks, but it was supposed to be his quiet night in. If a new gadget and the discovery of a microscopic civilization didn't mean adventure, he didn't know what did.

NegaTales || Season 2 ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें