Attack of the 50ft Krill Pt 1

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As the sun shone over the Duckburg bay, the water rolled over the shore, lapping in layers. The air was perfect, not a storm cloud in sight, and nothing could stop Webby and Louie from a relaxing boat ride across the bay.

"What a beautiful day!" Webby skipped along the beach, holding the fishing rods in her arms.

"And I can finally beat Huey's fishing record!" Louie pushed the boat to the edge of the water. "Twenty fish in one afternoon? Well how about twenty one!" Once he had the boat close enough, he hopped in. Taking Webby's hand, he helped her in as well. It was a humble boat, worn and somewhat falling apart, probably not safe to be floating on in the deep blue bay, but it was what the two of them had found in the garage.

"Afterwards, can we get hamburgers at the tavern on the dock! I was so excited to go fishing, I forgot breakfast." Webby stood at the front of the boat, the sea wind kicking up her hair.

"Sure thing, Webbs." Louie took hold of the oars, moving them out to sea. Sitting next to him was an alarm clock. The hands marked five minutes till noon, right when his attempt at the fishing record would start. He kept an eye on the clock, careful not to accidentally waste a precious minute.

Webby sang herself a made up sea shanty, drumming along with her hand on the side of the boat. "Nothing could ruin this perfect day!"

"Nope." Louie nodded along. The clock hands hit twelve, and he threw his line outward. "Nothing could ruin this perfect day."

A shadow moved under the boat. The waves knocked the boat a little, then a lot. Louie's line bobbed back and forth. He rested his head on his hand, waiting for a bite. He noted the edge of the underwater figure moved farther from them before circling back around. He stared at it, distracted from his goal.

"Uh... Webby?"

"Fishing is kind of boring. We just sit here? The view is nice at least."

"Webby, do you see that?"

"See what?" Webby moved next to Louie's side, following his eye line.

The figure swam back towards them, and Louie realized how large the thing actually was. The water parted as the beast rose up above the water, causing the waves to strike against their rickety boat. Shades of blue, purple, pink, and white decorated the creature, its stature towering above the whole bay. Two beady black eyes stared down at the ducklings, a roar leaving its jaws. A giant krill threatened to knock their boat across the bay. The tail reached up before smacking down on the water.

Louie's eyes widened at the massive wave rolling straight towards them. Webby clung to the edge of the boat for life. Their knees buckled beneath them on the waning ground. Moments before the wave crashed into them, Louie grabbed Webby and leaped into the water. The boat was torn to pieces, bits of the wreckage floating above them. They breached the surface, the two ducklings clinging to a plank.

From his view of the dock, Louie saw the fishermen running out to try to fight the monster. The krill cried out at their harpoons and nets. Throwing its head up in the air, it turned back before diving into the bay. It disappeared before anyone could go after it.

Louie and Webby watched after it, eyes wide. In unison, they said, "What was that!"

(A/N Animatic by SHARPSW0RD )

Louie draped a towel around himself as he stepped into the dock tavern. He took a spot at a table next to Webby. One of the waitresses brought a hamburger, placing it in front of the girl. She grinned, pulling the plate closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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