"Uh. Just visiting." I smiled. Viper stormed after me. "We ain't finished!" He grabbed my wrist and I gave a look to Bubbles which told him I needed help, but I don't think he understood it.

Viper threw me against a wall in his private room. "Viper! We are done!" I screamed. Viper gasped and slapped me again. "There's more of that!" He yelled.

"What are you doin?" A small voice asked. I looked down at Viper's feet and saw Smalls. "Smalls! The hell you doin in here! Get out!" Viper boomed.

"Just because your mad at me doesn't give you the right to take it out on her!" I stuck my finger in his face. "What? You care? When have you ever cared? You didn't care about my feelings when you went around with those boys!" He turned me around and banged my face in the wall.

"I live with those boys! Viper, I loved you! I opened up to you! I let you in my life. You were the first boy my brother has ever approved of! You treat me like that and blame it on the boys!? I can't believe you!" I tried walking away but Viper grabbed my braid and pulled me back into his chest.

"Don't play victim. You know what you did was wrong. So, to make up for it you will break up with that cheap cigar chewing newsie and get back together with me!" He yelled. I shook my head and attempted to run away.

Viper my suspenders and pulled me back, making me fall and hit my head on a sharp corner. I groaned and touched my forehead which started gushing blood.

Viper picked me up and left the room. My vision started to blur. The last thing I heard was Bubbles. "What happened? Is she ok?" He asked worriedly. Darkness.


It's been two days since Kat gave herself up to Viper. Albert, Race and JoJo haven't been selling. They miss her so much they can't get up in the morning.

Race spends half his time on the roof, looking over the city. Albert spends his time sitting on the fire escaping, where him and Kat first became friends.

JoJo spends his time recalling every memory he has with Kat, to make him laugh while he is upset, but it ends up making him miss her even more.

Jack explained to everyone who he is and how Kat knows him. They understand why she didn't tell anyone, Race just wish she told him when he first met him.

They all miss her and Jack is scared for her. Jack says they can't get her and it's taking every bone in Race's body to follow that order. Albert wants to soak that asshole. Everything is falling apart. They won the strike but now this? Can they not get a break?


I fluttered my eyes open and see myself in a dark room. I look around and see I'm in the attic of the Queens Lodging House. This is where Viper and I shared our first kiss. I felt a harsh rope around my waist.

I look down and see a rope tied around my waist leading to one of the poles holding up the building. He took me hostage?! I saw the attic door open and here comes Viper.

"I didn't want to do this, Kat. I hoped you would just come back to me. But you made it more difficult then it should've been." He knelt down to my level.

I spat in his face. His eyes widened and he grabbed a wooden stick nearby and slashed it to my face. "Haven't you learned your damn lesson!" He yelled. He immediately regretted it, remembering the other boys in the building.

Viper left and I pulled at the rope. As I was, a shooting pain ran through my head. "Fuck!" I cried as I held my hand. I felt the scab that had started forming from the big cut I had gotten.

How long have I been out for a scab to already start forming? I leaned against the pole I am tied to. I heard a knock on the door and it opened. It can't be Viper, right?

I saw a head peak in and it was Bubbles! "Bubbles! Thank god!" I exclaimed. "Shh!" He shushed me. "I heard you and Viper yelling at each other before you blacked out. I never trusted your relationship." He came closer and wrapped his hands around the rope. "Here. Let's get you back to your friends" He smiled softly.

"No! I have to deal with this myself. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow." I said, pushing his hands off the rope. He sighed "Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asked as he carefully hugged me.

"A piece of paper and a pen." I said. "I want to write to the boys. And...could you deliver it? I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon." I lowered my head.

"Of-of course! Kat, you can tell me anything." This is the first time I have ever seen Bubbles act so serious.

'you should leave, before Viper gets back." I inform. "He's gone for the day. It's like midnight. He went back to his house. His sister won the lottery and they have a shit load of money." Bubbles chuckled as he opened a skylight shade, which revealed the moon.

As I looked at the moon, I remember Race and my's first kiss. It was on a full moon and it is tonight. I didn't realize I was crying until Bubbles sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I sobbed in his arms until I fell asleep.

A/N. another sad chapter. so heres sum to cheer you up

 so heres sum to cheer you up

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