One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, SEVEN ||||| Mix It Up Zhang, Episode 4

Começar do início

"Right let me tell you about the group and their members." Qing Yuan added as she picked up a card. "And let's play a little game, can you guess who is behind the door before I tell you."

"If you have put a picture of these people in the intro I will be very upset." Qing Yuan added to the camera as she looked it dead in the eyes.

"Right so this group is of fourth generation." Qing Yuan told the camera. "And they have six members, each very talented in at least one area. And they all are considered to be visuals in my eyes. And Two of them have debuted prior to being in this group."

"So let's start with the leader. When she was younger she wanted to be an elementary school teacher." Qing Yuan told the camera as the members changed positions making her laugh.

"A member was supposed to participate on Produce 48." Qing Yuan gave out the second fact.

"One of the members mum's sends Japanese snacks to the dorm." Qing Yuan added as she read from the cue card she had been given about the group. "Oooh, my brother does this with Chinese food."

"She is part Taiwanese and her name in Chinese is, wait that would spoil who it is. Her father is ethnically Korean but grew up in Taiwan while her mother is part Taiwanese and part Korean." Qing Yuan told the group about the fourth member.

"One of the members is a cat person." Qing Yuan told the group about the second youngest member, before she broke out into laughter.

"Now the Maknae is my best friend, well one of them, don't tell Yu Jin, Da Yeon or Xiao Ting, they will come and find me. And she is a former model for SM kids." Qing Yuan finished off the list facts,

"Oh, and all of the members are certified Tall Girls. Now can you guess who is about to walk in?" Qing Yuan asked the camera with a laugh.

"If you did a montage of these girls then I will be very upset. You will have ruined the surprise." Qing Yuan told the camera men and anyone who would be watching this all.

"Now, welcome this fourth Generation group to the kitchen!" Qing Yuan told the staff as they all cheered.

"IVE!!!!!!" Qing Yuan shouted as the six girls all walked out onto the set looking around the giant space, made to fit up to six people in it, they were one over capacity but they weren't going to care as it one member over.


All of the girls had hugged and sat down as a montage of IVE had played, it had showed them from pre debut with the IZ*ONE members, before they all were shown as they danced 'Eleven' with their headlines, and clips of their dances and solo videos were shown as they only had one title track out so far.


"Well introduce yourself." Qing Yuan told the members.

"Two three." Yu Jin told her members.

"Dive into IVE! Hi, we are IVE!" All six members told the cameras as they were filmed doing their hand movement.

"Well before we start cooking, how are you all?" Qing Yuan asked the five member girl group.

"Good." Won Young spoke up to the new host of the show.

"How are you feeling coming into 2022, as you have all only just debuted together in early December?" Qing Yuan asked again as she took a seat next to the members.

"We are all very excited. Especially after we debuted and we broke some records and we have all been so excited to appear on here." Yu Jin told Qing Yuan and the camera as she was the leader.


"Right so this will work as we have one member who will be here just for the fun of eating and will not be cooking. Who will be that member, as I will let you choose." Qing Yuan asked the members of IVE.

One Giant Step For BABY Z |||| SOLOISTOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora