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"Aster!" He yelled to get your attention.

"Yeah?!" You shout at him looking back at him.

He ran as fast as he can to you, to stop you from getting hurt to stop him from hurting you. The loud gunshots and yelling were all you can hear and when you see his worried expression you look to the right and see none other than him. Him, who is him? He is one of the strongest and braves pitbull of the enemy's team and before you can react, you are pinned to the floor and have a sharp fang on your neck.

Before Brutus attacks him he heard a loud bang!


"Brutus? Are you ok?" He heard the familiar chirpy sound of Pixie.

He opened his eyes to see the worry in pixie's eyes and he just chuckles and reassures pixie that he was dreaming of his old friend.

"You had a wolf as a friend?! Wowee! He must be so nice!" Pixie said happily to Brutus surprised that he had a wolf as a friend.

"Actually is a 'she' not he, and yeah she was nice," he said making sure that he corrected her.

He got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen so he can eat the kibble his master made for him.

"Ohhh and!? Where is she?! And-and-"
She said to him before he cut her off by saying "I will tell you later, now go and eat" he said to her, and she nodded to him.


"Jesus Christ" you whispered to yourself and continued hunting for the deer you were looking for.

The deer ran before you even got the chance to kill it. Your cover was blown because of a stupid rat, and just like that, you are walking for 15 minutes trying to find it.

You were getting tired and ready to give up until you catch a new sent a resent sent it sells like a weird combination of raspberry and another unfamiliar sent.

You are curious and all walk towards where the sent is heading and after a while, you see a small being alone, out in the open.

You crouched in the grass so that it can't see you and on further inspection, you see a peach-looking cat with some black stripes on her back and see a little bit of white on her mouth and belly.

You stand up and walk towards her carefully, making sure not to let your guard down, after all, she might be small but she has claus that can still hurt you.

After being behind her you clear your trough to get the cat's attention.

She turns back to look at you and smiles and speaks " hello there Mister wolf sir! Can you help me with something please?" She asks you and you step back slightly with confusion written on your face 'is she not scared of me?' You think and nod but before you help her you ask her an important question.

"Aren't you scared, afraid even?" You say to her and smile once again "of what?" She says and you say "," you say something in her sent makes it familiar to someone but you don't know yet.

"No why would I?" She says but before you can answer you hear quick steps and before you can react you see a big dog, not just any dog, no that's too easy, instead you see a German Shepherd running at you and automatically shift at and defensive position.

The dog tackles you to the ground and almost immediately went for your trough but hesitated because of the cat that is next to him, you took this opportunity and scratched his belly with your back paw, and he growled and took a step back, by then you were up and you pounced on him.

You had one front paw on his face to stop him from attacking you and you put your body weight to stop him from moving.

When you look at him you are left speechless and step off his body, almost immediately he turns to attack you but stops his body is tense and so is yours.

It felt like hours without speaking absorbing everything about one another, he was the first one to break the silence.

"Joy...?" He says his voice filled with hope. He's referring you to your actual name, not the nickname everyone calls you.

You look at him (since you were looking at the ground nervous) and your breath hitches simply surprised that he remembered you and because he is still the same dog you saw before you went to your new family, even with the scars you always find him attractive.

~flasch back~

"You know you don't look that bad you still look...well you," you say to him and he looks at you the bandage still covering his ear when they removed the bandage in his eye he still looks good just more intimidating and badass, he looks at you and smirks.

"what's that supposed to mean?" He says walking slowly at you and you smile at him " oh you'no, still really badass you know things like that" you say, and before he can reply he is cut off by another voice "joy! c'mon we have to go!"

Your new master says and you sight already knowing that your gonna miss everyone, especially Brutus since you have a little crush on him.

You stand up and walk toward the open door but you suddenly dare to walk back to Brutus, Brutus already looking at you whilst standing up and you walk and stay in front of him and gave him a quick lick on his right cheek and walk away a bit faster and to the car and as soon as you get in you hear the door close.

You and Brutus were never mates but you wanted to, but realized that you can't because you were a wolf and he was a dog it just doesn't fit right.


"Brutus..?" You whispered and look at him shocked that he was here, like actually here, and that this isn't a dream.

He walked toward you and puts his head around your neck, it's a comforting way of hugging.

"It's" he whispers back, and you lean in his warm embrace, and breath in is sent, a mix of campfire and coconut.

"I thought that I will never see you"


Part 2 🤔

~A new beginning~ pixie and Brutus Where stories live. Discover now