What was I even thinking though? His mistress has been with him for ten years, of course he likes her and will always choose her over me, I don't come in comparison with her.

"I want to get a drink for myself, would you like to join?" Jungkook asks after a few moments of awkward silence, ruffling his hair to which I nod.

I had no idea why I just nodded but I'm guessing it was because I no longer wanted to be in such a tight atmosphere, it hurt me everytime this guy talked about hyerin and I wasn't supposed to feel this way.

Sighing deeply, I look ahead at the club's bar that was only a few steps away and was way darker so no one would even get a glimpse of us if we sat down there but the funny thing is that I've never really gotten drunk if we forget about that one time I accidentally sipped some whiskey from mister kang's glass.

I was like...barely ten at that time so I don't remember anything except feeling dizzy and sleeping later on.

"Take this then" Jungkook roughly opens his jacket and tosses it over my head.

"Why? I don't feel that cold"

"Your dad might recognize your dress"

Putting my arms through the big long sleeves, I gasp at his smart brain, "right"

"By the time we finish drinking, jimin hyung will most probably be here and then we can leave together"

"What about hobi?"

"Yeah he will drop him at hone first"

Nodding my head at the already planned activity checklist, I grasp the jacket's zipper to pull it up for covering my top but it gets stuck midway.

Knitting my eyebrows together, I make a second attempt, then a third and a fourth but it doesn't even move a little.

"Your zip is broken" I mutter, trying to pull it up for the fifth time.

Jungkook exhales in an extra dramatic way before looking at me tiredly, "can't even zip up a jacket without my help, yeah?"

"It's your jacket's fault" I say as the dj increases the level of his music.

My eardrums were about to burst and I could put a hundred dollars bet on that.

"Yeah yeah, it's always my damn fault" the older male says and hunches himself to get on the same height of the zipper before pulling it upwards in one go.

"Wow how is that even possible"

"You're just weak" he says and gives a little pat on my tummy.

The half sleeve shirt jungkook was wearing underneath his jacket till now had his tattoos completely revealed, all the ink swirling from one place to the another; roses, dates of some days, his very own initials and what not.

I stupidly gawk at the canvas of a body he had willingly made of himself but stop when he holds my jacket-paw and drags me to the bar area, a few middle aged women drinking some cheap wine beside.

With my one hand holding jungkook's, I lower my head and fidget with the stitched end of my dress, hesitantly glancing up once in a while to see my dad enter the hookup rooms in hopes of finding me.

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