25. Krishmini - Hope For The Best (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

Next morning - Krishna woke up, he first saw Rukmini, Rukmini was still sleeping. Krishna smiled and looked at Rukmini and lovingly began to caress Rukmini's forehead with his hand. Thinking about Rukmini's condition, Krishna said in his mind "You need rest at this time Priye (Dear)". Krishna kept looking at Rukmini like this for some time. Then Krishna slowly got up from the bed so that Rukmini's sleep was not disturbed and came towards the balcony and started enjoying the fresh air outside. After some time when Rukmini woke up, she slowly opened her eyes but when she did not see Krishna around her, she was very surprised. She started whispering in a sluggish voice "Arya.. where did Arya go?.. That too early morning". Suddenly Rukmini's eyes went towards the balcony, she was relieved to see Krishna standing there. Rukmini slowly tried to get up from the bed but she was feeling very weak. But still Rukmini happily went towards the balcony. Due to Rukmini's ill health, she said in a very low voice "Arya...". Hearing Rukmini's voice, Krishna turned back and said happily "Priye (Dear).. when did you wake up?". "Just now..." Rukmini said with a slight smile. Krishna asked Rukmani "Are you all right?" Rukmini nodded with a smile. Then both of them spent some loving time with each other.

Chapter 2 :

On the other hand - Nakul and Sahadev went to the river bank to get water and Yudhishthira and Arjun were roaming here and there in the forest in search of food. Kunti and Bheem were sitting outside the hut. Looking at Bheem, Kunti was thinking that how she would talk to Bhima and explain to him. Bheem was sitting quietly but many things were going on in his mind. Kunti somehow courageously came to Bheem and sat down on her knees, then put her hand on his shoulder and said softly "Bheem.. Putra..". Bheem turned his neck towards Kunti and looked at her with a silent face. Kunti's eyes filled with tears, she immediately placed both her hands on Bheem's cheeks and said "Bheem....". Tears started flowing from Bheem's eyes too and he hugged Kunti and started crying loudly. "Bheem... Calm down... Putra..." Kunti said crying, patting Bheem's back. Bheem said in anguish, "How do I calm down? Mata.. why does this always happen with us? Why do we always have to sacrifice our happiness?". Hearing Bheem's words, Kunti bowed down and started looking towards the ground. Bheem further said "Mata.. after all what injustice have we done that we have to bear so much?". Keeping her head up, Kunti said while wiping her tears with one hand, "No Bheem.. Injustice has not been done by us, but injustice has happened to us.. King Dhritarashtra's son has fallen so much for the throne of Hastinapur that he does not know how many people he has caused suffering." Bheem looked at Kunti and said, "I cannot bear it, mata.. How should I bear this injustice? How will I stay away from my son mata..?". Kunti started wiping Bheem's tears and said "Putra.. It is very sad for us to see this condition of yours.. We understand your situation.. We know this time is very difficult for you, but Putra (Son) try to take care of yourself." Kunti explained a lot to Bheem, Bheem was also trying to handle himself. When Yudhishthira and Arjun came back with some fruits, they saw Bheem and Kunti together and looking at each other said, "Mother can take care of everything."

Chapter 3 :

Rukmini was very tired while doing the work of the court, she was feeling very restless and due to fatigue she was also feeling sleepy. Krishna was noticing all this sitting there. Seeing the opportunity, Krishna helped Rukmini so that all the work could be completed as soon as possible and he could take Rukmini back with him to the palace. After all the work was over, Rukmini Krishna left the court.
On the way from where Rukmini Krishna was walking towards the palace, a puppy came running on the same path and started looking at Rukmini with love. When Rukmini saw that puppy, she was very happy and looking at Krishna, she said "Arya, this puppy is so cute". "Yes it is," said Krishna with a smile. Rukmini bent down and picked up the puppy in her arms and said with a mischievous smile "Arya.. Arya.. Can we take him with us? please". Krishna started laughing and said "Dear..
Till date I have not understood your infatuation towards animals and especially towards dogs." Rukmini said with a loving face, "You will never understand that, but should we take him with us now.. Look how lovingly he is looking at us." "Okay good.. take him," said Krishna, allowing Rukmini to take the puppy with them. Rukmini happily carried the puppy in her arms all the way. When both of them reached the palace, seeing that puppy with Rukmini, everyone said, "Who brought this puppy here?". Krishna, pointing to Rukmini with a mischievous smile, said "Humari Priye Rukmini (Our Dear Rukmini)". "So how could I have left him there alone?" Rukmini said looking at Krishna. Devaki, Rohini and Vasudev supported Rukmini. Vasudev smiled and said, "Putri (Daughter), you did the right thing by bringing this poor puppy here". Rukmini nodded happily and placed the puppy on the ground. That puppy ran and went to Subhadra. "Bhabhi... He is so cute," said Subhadra happily. Rukmini said "exactly right". That puppy had been playing with everyone, but he had a special attachment with Rukmini. Then after sometime Rukmini brought food for him. Rukmini stood beside him until that puppy finished his meal. Seeing this, Rohini teased and said "Devaki...". "Yes.. Jiji (Sister)" replied Devaki. Rohini said "Think if our Rukmini is taking so much care of this puppy, then how much will she take care of her own children". "You are absolutely right but this will be known only after Rukmini and Krishna have children." said Devaki with a laugh. Rohini said, "It is true, then we will have to wait for these two to have children". Rukmini blushed and said "Mata (Mother)...". Devaki and Rohini started laughing. Rukmini looked at Krishna and smiled and for the first time she thought about the child. Many questions came in her mind but after some time Rukmini was very tired and could not stand up at all because her legs were hurting so she came to her chamber and lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Chapter 4 :

In the forest - Pandavas together explained and encouraged Bheem a lot, Bheem also became very emotional seeing the love of his brothers. He cried for a long time hugging his brothers. It was a very heart-wrenching moment for the Pandavas and Kunti because the Bheem whom they saw always smiling, fighting courageously, today Bheem was crying in front of them for the first time. After some time Bheem calmed down and wiping his tears said "I will definitely try to Handle myself.. I.. I just need some time". Kunti also proudly held Bheem's hand and Said "We all are proud of you Putra (Son) and we are always with you". Bheem got emotional and nodded. Yudhishthira said to Bheem "Bheem.. we are all sorry for what happened, but no one can change the situation, so always keep yourself ready for every situation". "You are right jyeshth (Elder Brother)" said Bheem. Sahadev said "Bhaiya Bheem.. You are better now than before, this is enough for us". "Take as much time as you want, but just take care of yourself.. Bheem Bhaiya," said Nakul. Bheem was very pleased and satisfied. Arjun came to Bheem and said lovingly "Don't worry at all Bhaiya.. just as we have faced difficulties, now we will overcome this difficulty together". Bheem started crying and said "I am also such a fool, I have brothers like diamonds and still I am nervous with such difficulty". Everyone got emotional after listening to Bheem. Bheem further said "I am really lucky that I got such a good family". Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev smiled and said, "We are lucky because we have got the privilege of being your brother". Bheem hugged them tightly. Kunti and Yudhishthira were very relieved to see all this. Kunti's eyes filled with tears of joy because for her all her sons were her life.

Chapter 5 :

At night - Devaki was sitting on the sofa in her chamber thinking about what Rohini had said when a maid came and said "Rajmata.. all the work is done". Devaki turned back and looking at the maid said "Okay.. you go and take rest". "Thank you.. Rajmata" the maid said bowing her head and then left from there. Devaki suddenly became emotional because she started remembering the time of Krishna's birth, after a few moments Devaki handled herself and started thinking something in her mind. When Vasudev entered the chamber, he saw Devaki sitting on the sofa but he was very surprised because whenever he comes, Devaki herself welcomes him, but at this time Devaki did not even realize the presence of Vasudev. Vasudev took off his crown and placed it on the side table and went to Devaki and put his hand on her handt and said "Devaki.. Priye (Dear) are you alright?". Seeing Vasudev, Devaki started getting up from the sofa and said "Arya.. you.. when did you come". Vasudev laughed while placing his hand on Devaki's shoulder and said, "I have just come.. but my Devaki is lost in her own world". Hearing this, Devaki smiled and said, "It is not like this, Arya.. For mother, her world is only her children and I was also thinking about our son Krishna". "About Krishna?" Vasudev said. Devaki nodded and pointing to the sofa said "I'll tell you Arya.. but you sit first". Vasudev nodded and both sat down on the sofa. Vasudev said, "Now tell me what did Krishna do this time". Devaki started laughing and said "he has not done anything". "Then? Why are you worried about Krishna?" asked Vasudev. Devaki replied saying "Actually nothing has happened Arya.. I.. I was thinking about the child of Krishna and Rukmini". Then Devaki told the whole thing to Vasudev that how Rohini teased Rukmini in talks and since then how this thought was going on in Devaki's mind. After listening to all Vasudev said, "So that's why you were thinking so seriously". Devaki nodded and smiled and said, "Since then, the thought is going on in my mind that what an amazing moment it will be when I will take my son's child in my lap and play with him". Vasudev was understanding Devaki's feelings. Putting his hand on Devaki's cheek, Vasudev said, "Our grandson will bring back Krishna's childhood." Devaki became emotional and said "You are absolutely right Arya". "But..." said Vasudev. Devaki blinked and asked "But what? Arya." "But look Priye (Dear) I would only say that it is okay to think but don't put pressure on Rukmini Krishna to have children.. Because it should be the personal decision of both of them that when they want children" Vasudev said to Devaki. Devaki was understanding what Vasudev wanted to say and she also agreed with him and said "I agree with you Arya.. How to live their married life should be the decision of both of them. Devaki further said "Arya.. Rukmini is my daughter and as a mother, I will always support her". Vasudev nodded happily. Devaki smiled and wished well for everyone in her heart.

- The End -

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