13. Krishmini - A Visit To Hastinapur (Part 2)

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Chapter 9 :

Subhadra was sitting with Dushala in her room. "Your Bhabhi is very beautiful, Subhadra" Dushala said. "Yes Rukmini Bhabhi is very beautiful and lovely too" said Subhadra. Subhadra further said "You know? Rukmini Bhabhi loves me very much and also takes great care of me". "You are very lucky, Subhadra," said Dushala. Subhadra happily nodded. "By the way, Subhadra, there is something special that you have come," said Dushala. "Nothing like that," said Subhadra. "Don't lie, Subhadra, I am your friend, I have been with you in Kanyakul for so many days" Dushala said. Subhadra looked at Dushala with a cute face. "Tell the truth, Subhadra, you have come here for Arjun Bhaiya, haven't you?" Dushala said. "how do you know ?" Subhadra said in amazement. "So that means it's true," said Dushala, raising her eyebrows. Subhadra blushed. "Oh Subhadra blushed" Dushala said with a big smile. Dushala said to Subhadra "What did you tell Krishna Bhaiya why you have come here?". "I told him that I want to meet you," replied Subhadra with a smile.
Dushala looked at Subhadra in astonishment and said "Subhadra you lied". Subhadra nodded with a cute face. "Krishna bhaiya says all is fair in love and war," said Subhadra. Dushala started laughing, Subhadra also started laughing with her.
"Okay, I'll help you meet Arjun Bhaiya," said Dushala. "Really ?" Subhadra said out loud. Dushala happily nodded. Subhadra hugged Dushala tightly.
A servant came and stood at the chamber door of Dushala and said "I'm sorry Rajkumari, but both of you have been called by Maharani Gandhari". "Okay you go and say to Mata that we are coming," said Dushala. The servant nodded and left.

Chapter 10 :

Dushala and Subhadra went to Gandhari. Gandhari was sitting with Kunti and Rukmini. "Mata, you called us" Dushala asked. Gandhari said "Yes Putri, both of you have dinner with Rukmini, and dushala after the meal, drop Rukmini to her room and keep Subhadra with you in your room". "Mata, as you say," said Dushala, nodding her head happily. "Dushala Putri, take good care of these two" said Kunti. "Yes Choti Mata" said Dushala. "Rukmini putri, you eat with these two, Krishna will eat with Arjuna today," said Kunti.
Rukmini happily nodded. Rukmini and Subhadra went with Dushala. On the way, Dushala talked a lot with Rukmini. "Bhabhi, do you go to the court too?" Dushala asked Rukmani. "Yes Dushala, I, Arya and Dau Bhaiya, we all go to the royal court," said Rukmini. "Wonderful Bhabhi, you are truly amazing," Dushala said. "Thank you" said Rukmini. Then Subhadra and Rukmini had dinner with Dushala. After dinner Dushala came to drop Rukmini till the guestroom. "Bhabhi this room is for you and Krishna Bhaiya" Dushala said. Rukmini happily nodded. Dushala was about to leave after dropping Rukmini in the room. Before Dushala left, Rukmini told Dushala "Dushala, take care of Subhadra and don't let her go anywhere". Dushala happily nodded.
Here Krishna was sitting with Arjun for a meal in Arjun's chamber. "Madhav, are you wondering whether Bhabhi Rukmini has eaten food or not?" Arjun laughed and said. "No no Parth, nothing like that, in fact we have had most of the meals together since the day we got married," said Krishna. "Ohho Madhav," said Arjun teasingly. "You know ? Parth, now Rukmini and I are together in the royal court," Krishna told Arjun. Arjun smiled looking at Krishna and said "What is the matter Madhav, Rukmini Bhabhi with you everywhere". "Parth, love means there is each other's support" Krishna said with a smile. "Aye Haye Madhav" said Arjun. Then the two had dinner together. Arjun and Krishna talked for a long time after eating. Then Krishna came to the guestroom where Rukmini was waiting for him.

Chapter 11 :

When Krishna came inside the chamber, he saw Rukmini was asleep. So he did not want to disturb Rukmini. But as soon as he took off his crown, Rukmini's sleep was broken. "Arya, you have come," said Rukmini in a sleepy voice. Krishna smiled looking at Rukmini and said "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up". "No problem Arya, I was waiting for you," said Rukmini with a tired smile. Krishna lay down beside Rukmini. "Arya, did you like meeting Arjun Bhaiya after so many days?" Rukmini said turning her face towards Krishna. "Yes Rukmini, do you know? Parth is my dearest friend," said Krishna, looking into Rukmini's eyes. Rukmini smiled and said, "I know that's why you first showed him my letter". "Yeah, whatever it is, but Parth was looking good in the guise of a woman that day," said Krishna laughing. Rukmini also started laughing and said "Yes you are right Arya, when I saw Arjun Bhaiya for the first time, I could not even recognize him". "If the Bua had seen Parth in that disguise, she would have changed Parth's name," Krishna laughed. Rukmini was also laughing. "By the way, where is Subhadra?" Krishna asked. "She is with Dushala in her room, Arya," said Rukmini. Krishna nodded. Then Krishna Rukmini looked into each other's eyes and fell asleep.
On the other hand - Subhadra somehow comes out of Dushala's chamber. And starts going towards Arjun's chamber. Even Arjun did not sleep, he too was remembering Subhadra. Then someone knocked on the door, Arjun opened the door and saw Subhadra has come. Arjun looked at Subhadra and said, "You are here at this time". "I wanted to meet you, Rajkumar," said Subhadra. Arjun said "but this time". "So what happened where are you sleeping?" Subhadra said teasingly. "Okay all right, you come in," said Arjun to Subhadra. Subhadra went inside Arjun's chamber and sat on the sofa. After some time she said "You are very good person, Rajkumar". Arjun smiled and said "I also wanted to say you something". "So say it," said Subhadra, looking at Arjun. Arjun blushed and said, "You Subhadra, you are also very sweet". Subhadra blushed and said "Thank you Rajkumar". Then Subhadra gave Arjun a gold coin and said "I have brought this for you from Dwarka". Subhadra further said "You always keep it with you". Arjun happily nodded. Then Subhadra left from there. After Subhadra's departure, Arjun, looking at that coin, said to himself, "Everything you give is very special to me, Subhadra". Then Arjun fell asleep and Subhadra also fell asleep.

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Where stories live. Discover now