21. Krishmini - Please Come Back Soon (Single Part)

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Chapter 1 :

After 5/6 days - Revathi had gone to her maternal home, so now all the responsibility was on Rukmini. Rukmini was doing all the work. In the morning - Rukmini made breakfast for everyone, then she got engaged in the work of the royal court. Subhadra was better now than before. She also went to the royal court with Rukmini. Rukmini was reading some documents when Subhadra smiled and said "bhabhi, can I help you". Rukmini liked to see that Subhadra was trying to forget the old things. She shook her head happily. Then Rukmini and Subhadra started working together. Rukmini also told Subhadra some rules for the work of the royal court. Subhadra was also enjoying learning the work. After some time Uddhav and Kritavarma came there. When Kritavarma and Uddhav saw Subhadra sitting with Rukmini, they also liked it. Uddhav said to Kritavarma "It seems Subhadra is now trying to move forward". Kritavarma started smiling looking at Uddhav. Suddenly Rukmini's eyes turned towards Kritavarma and Uddhav and she laughed and said, "Why are you both standing there? Come inside the court". Kritavarma and Uddhav nodded happily and said "yes bhabhi". Saying this, both of them also went inside the Raj Darwar. Seeing the document in Subhadra's hand, Kritavarma said "It seems that Subhadra also liked the royal court". "Yes Bhaiya, I feel great here," Subhadra said to Kritavarma. "Then will you come here everyday?" asked Uddhav with a mischievous smile. Subhadra said with a big smile, "Sure I will." Rukmani felt very happy to see Subhadra behave like this after so many days. Keeping his hand on the shoulder of Rukmini, Uddhav jokingly said "bhabhi, now Subhadra will come to the royal court, then Dau Bhaiya will leave all the work and sit with her". Rukmini laughed and said "Nothing like this will happen Uddhav, you don't worry, our Subhadra will take care of everything." "Look Uddhav Bhaiya, Bhabhi is on my side," said Subhadra teasingly. Before Uddhav could say something, Rukmini lovingly said, "Stop both of you, do some work now. Look, both Arya and Dau Bhaiya are not here today, so it is our duty to take care of everything well". "Where have Kanha Bhaiya and Dau Bhaiya gone?" Kritavarma asked. Rukmini nodded and said "Both of them have gone to the temple of Somnath with Mata Revati and Mata Devaki". Uddhav was surprised and said, "Suddenly?". "Yes, because the mother was insisting, that's why they both left." "ohhhhhhh...." Uddhava and Kritavarma said. "But Arya and Dau Bhaiya will come by noon," Rukmini said. "Okay... okay" said Uddhav. Then all together quickly finished the work of Raj Darwar. Then Rukmini came back to the palace with Subhadra as she had to prepare lunch.

Chapter 2 :

Vasudev was very happy to see Rukmini and Subhadra together. Subhadra started running towards Vasudev, seeing her running, Rukmini said "Subhadra, carefully". "Okay, Bhabhi" said Subhadra laughing loudly. Rukmini kept walking slowly behind Subhadra. Subhadra hugged Vasudev. Vasudev was very happy to see his daughter happy. "Pitashree, you know I am super happy today, I had a lot of fun in the royal court, I learned a lot there" said Subhadra Vasudev while telling his work list for today. Vasudev and Rukmini were happily listening to her. "Subhadra, putri, I am very happy that you liked the royal court, but remember that the work of the royal court is such a big responsible, it should always be done carefully" Vasudev said while explaining to Subhadra. Subhadra nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, you are right, I will try my best to do it well". Vasudev was very happy to hear this. "Pitashree, Bhabhi, I'll see you in a while" Subhadra said and she went towards her chamber. After Subhadra left, Vasudeva said to Rukmini "Putri". "Yes Pitashree" said Rukmini while answering his talk. "Putri, though Subhadra is very happy to go to the court, but you should take care of her," said Vasudev. Rukmini was understanding Vasudev's concern, she said softly "Don't worry Pitashree, we all will take care of Subhadra, will not leave her alone at all". Vasudev smiled. Rukmini also nodded happily and said "Now I am going, Pitashree, I have to prepare food before Arya, Mata and Dau Bhaiya return". Saying this, Rukmini left from there. Vasudev was very happy to see Rukmini's hard work and dedication.
In the kitchen - Rukmini was very tired because today she also did all the work of the royal court alone. Still she came to the kitchen and gathered the maidservants and assigned them tasks. All the food was ready, only kheer was left to be made, Rukmini asked the maid to bring milk and rice for the kheer and stood there and waited. Rukmini herself was feeling very weak, she thought that this must be happening due to overwork.

Chapter 3 :

Krishna, Balarama, Devaki and Rohini had returned from the temple. Rukmini welcomed all of them. Krishna was looking at Rukmini smiling, Rukmini also smiled back at him. As soon as Subhadra came to know that everyone had come back, she came running to meet everyone. "Krishna Bhaiya..." Subhadra said with a loud smile. Everyone smiled looking at Subhadra. Rohini and Devaki became emotional with happiness after seeing Subhadra happy for a long time. Subhadra laughingly said "Brother Krishna, do you know what I did today?". "Subhadra, will you tell everything to your Krishna Bhaiya only?" Balaram said while clearing his throat. Everyone started laughing. "Yes, because whether anyone listens to me or does not listen But my Krishna Bhaiya always listens to me" Subhadra said proudly. Krishna said with a mischievous smile, "Okay, Dau, now you stop teasing Subhadra, please, otherwise our Subhadra will get angry". Subhadra made a cute face and said "Bhaiya Krishna....". "Yes, Subhadre..." said Krishna. Subhadra said teasingly, "You leave all this, first listen to me". "Yeah, you say Then I will listen," said Krishna laughingly. Then Subhadra shared her experience of the royal court with everyone and thanked Rukmini for increasing her confidence. "Our princess has now learned the work of the royal court too, Kanha" said Balaram proudly.
Krishna was also very satisfied to see this new step of Subhadra, he said "Yes Dau, Subhadra wants to learn and do something new, what can be a more joyous occasion for us". Seeing everyone happy, Subhadra was thinking to herself that "How happy my whole family is today because of me, I wish I had taken this step earlier, but no matter what, now I will not give up, I will make myself strong". Rukmini was very happy to see Krishna and Subhadra together. She was remembering how always Subhadra describes her faith in Krishna. Rukmini felt even more proud of choosing Krishna as her husband.

Chapter 4 :

Rukmini prepared the dinner and asked the maid to invite everyone for dinner. Suddenly Devaki came to the kitchen. She was very happy to see Rukmini doing all the work responsibly. Devaki placed her hand on Rukmini's shoulder from behind. Rukmini looked back and looking at Devaki said lovingly "Mata, you are here.... I mean do you need anything?". Devaki smiled and said "No Putri, I don't want anything, I came here to help you, but you completed all the work before I came". Rukmini smiled and shook her head. "Putri..." Devaki said. Rukmini replied saying "Yes, Mata". "Putri, you should take rest after the meal.....Devaki was saying it but Rukmini interrupted her and said "But Mata, there's still some of work left to do." "Don't worry about work Putri, I and jiji Rohini will do all that together," said Devaki worrying about Rukmini's health. Rukmini said "No Mata, there is not much work, I will do it, don't you worry, anyway you and Mata Rohini have traveled so much today, you rest, I will take care of all this". Devaki tried a lot but Rukmini did not allow her to do any work. Devaki was worried that Rukmini might get sick due to excessive work.
After dinner, everyone went to their chambers. Rukmini was doing the remaining work with the maids. Suddenly Rukmini remembered that Next morning Krishna will go to Panchal for 1 week. Rukmini got a little sad thinking this. But somehow she controlled herself. And after finishing all the work, she left the kitchen with a glass of milk for Krishna.

Chapter 5 :

Krishna was waiting for Rukmini in their Chamber. But Rukmini was busy with work, so she got late for a while. As soon as Rukmini entered the chamber, Krishna smiled and said "Rukmini...". Rukmini smiled and gave Krishna a glass of milk and said "Arya, you drink milk, I will come after changing clothes". Krishna smiled and thought "Rukmini is worried about everything but not herself". Rukmini came after changing her clothes and by then she was very tired. Krishna could feel her tiredness. He asked Rukmini to take rest. Rukmini said yes with a tired smile. Krishna finished the milk and placed the glass on the table. Rukmini Krishna talked for some time. Rukmini said "Arya.. tomorrow.. tomorrow you will leave for Panchal". "Yes, Rukmini," said Krishna. Krishna knew that Rukmini was a bit emotional at this time, so he hugged Rukmini and said, "But you do not worry at all, Priye (dear) Rukmini, I will return in a week". Looking at Krishna's face, Rukmini said, "Sure?". Krishna said yes absolutely and he kissed on Rukmini's forehead. Rukmini smiled but she was very emotional inside. Krishna Rukmini spent a lot of time together that night. After that Rukmini fell asleep. Because she was very tired, but Krishna kept holding her in his arms and kept looking at Rukmini's face. Krishna knew what was the reason for this emotional behavior of Rukmini. Krishna placing his hand on Rukmini's belly and He said in his mind "You will have to take great care of yourself in the coming days Priye (dear) Rukmini, yours and our future.......".

- The End -

Do you guys get any hint from last line ? Someone special will enter into the story very soon....!

Krishna - Rukmini (Krishmini) Mahabharat 2013Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora