3. Krishmini - My Krishna Will Definitely Come (Part -2)

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Chapter 4 :

Krishna came to meet Arjun and Subhadra. Subhadra was very happy to see Krishna. "Bhaiya.." Subhadra went to Krishna and hugged Krishna. Krishna pulled Subhadra cheek and says "Subhadre you did not remember your brothers". "No it is not like that," said Subhadra with a sweet smile. Krishna looked at Arjun and said, "It seems that now my Parth has become your friend too". "Yes Madhav, you are right, now we have become friends". said Arjun. Krishna went towards Arjun and hugged him. "How is everyone in Hastinapur Parth ?" Krishna asked. "Yes Madhav all is well in Hastinapur" replied Arjun. Krishna was in a hurry as he had to go to Vidarbha. Krishna said to Subhadra "Subhadre, I am going for some work, but you take care of yourself and Arjuna". Arjuna said "Madhav, let me go with you". "Parth, do you really want to go with me?" Krishna asked in surprise look. "Yes Madhav, I really want to go with you," replied Arjun. "Okay then let's go" said Krishna with a smile."Subhadre you take care of yourself" said Krishna to Subhadra. Subhadra nodded But Krishna knew that Subhadra was saddened by Arjun's departure.

Chapter 5 :

Arjun and Krishna left from Dwarka. At some distance there was a village. Krishna remembered his childhood after seeing that village. Just as Krishna used to do in childhood, Krishna broke the pot of the gopis with a slingshot. But instead of Krishna, Arjun got stuck because Arjun was walking with a stone in his hand and Krishna was hiding behind a tree. After this Arjun said to Krishna "Now I understand why you are called naughty". Both Krishna and Arjun started laughing.
After some time - Krishna and Arjun reached Kundinpur. Both were standing on the top of the mountain. "So this is Kundinpur, it is more beautiful than I had heard," said Arjun. "Surely Parth, this is the capital of Vidarbha, it must be beautiful. Krishna showed Arjun the palace of the king of Vidarbha from the top of the mountain. Arjun said to Krishna "But why have we come here, that is the main gate" He pointed in front.
"We have come here Parth Because we have to enter the city, and cannot go through the main gate, there will be guards of Vidarbha." Krishna said with a mischievous smile. "But Madhav, you said you have an invitation for marriage?" Arjun asked in surprise look. "It is an invitation to get married, not to attend a marriage," replied Krishna. "The marriage of Princess Rukmini has been fixed with the crown prince, Shishupala, the whole Aryavrata knows," said Arjun.
"But Rukmini will be married to me, and except you, no one knows this in the whole Aryavrata," said Krishna. Arjun asked "what do you mean". Krishna gave Rukmini's letter to Arjun and said "Read it Parth". Arjun read the first line of the letter "Shrutva Gunan Bhuvan Sundar". "What is this?" Arjun asked. "Letter Parth.. love letter" Krishna said shyly. "Who wrote this? Arjun asked." "Rukmini, the princess of Vidarbha," replied Krishna with a great smile.
"Bhuvan Sundar, jagat me sabse sundar kon madhav?" (the most beautiful in the world, who madhav ?) Arjun asked with a loud laugh. "mein Parth aur kon ? (Who else, Parth that's me". Krishna replied.
Arjun read the entire letter. there was a line in it "Vidarbhan guptah sametya" "Secretly come to Vidarbha" Arjun stopped at this line and looked at Krishna. Krishna smiled and said "Now understand, Parth why we have come to the top of this mountain, we have to go to the city secretly, Parth". "But if... if the father has not kept the swayamvara, then it is dharma to kidnap the girl, Madhav?" Arjun asked in a low voice. "Whether Swayamvar has been kept or not, abducting a woman against her wish is unrighteousness, Partha, in fact, God has given every creature the right to live according to their wish. And taking away that freedom is always unrighteousness Parth, and now Rukmini's brother is also doing the same unrighteousness, I am just going to protect my beloved Rukmini from that unrighteousness and Parth You don't know that I also love Rukmini very much." Krishna said. Arjun could not believe that Krishna loved Rukmini. Arjun said "Madhav you never told that the princess of Vidarbha stole your heart". "Parth, Rukmini and I have never seen each other, we have just heard about each other," replied Krishna. Arjun was shocked and said "Madhav, how is it possible that you don't see each other's face and still fall in love?". Krishna said "Parth, we may not have seen each other but we know everything about each other".
"Amazing Madhav, your love story inspires me too," said Arjun in a teasing voice. Krishna blushed. Arjun said "tell Madhav what to do next". Rukmini has clearly written in her letter that her family members should be protected, So we can't fight, and anyway when it is possible to run away then why do violence?" Krishna Said. "You will secretly go and tell Rukmini that I will wait in the temple of Mata Parvati," said Krishna. Arjun asked "In what form shall we go?". "I will take the disguise of a cowherd, I have a lot of practice to become a cowherd," said Krishna. "And in what disguise will I go?" Arjun asked.

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