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   A year later...

   It was a bright sunny day. You were watching some Netflix in your living room, eating a bag of chips. You were so happy to be back in your home, well new home technically.

Duo and his minions had destroyed your house so badly it got to the point that you couldn't live in it. The state provided you with a new home to live in. I mean after all, you had been abused and tortured just to learn spanish.

"BREAKING NEWS!" Blared the TV.

Your Netflix has been interrupted by breaking news? That never happens. You focused on the TV and continued to watch the news.

"The case of Duo and torturing his students with Spanish lessons has been solved and punishments have been decided! Duo's minions will receive a life in prison for their acts. Please be at rest as the case is over." reported the news man.

"It's about time they finish up that case," you said with a mouth full of chips.

"On another note..." continued the news reporter, "We have a new killer on the loose. This killer is unidentified, but we do have some information about them. 690 corpses have been found in the past week. They have all been killed the same way; a knife to the neck. The strangest thing is that there is a piece of bacon piece with every individual. We have people on this case, and scientists working with forensics to figure out this case. If you smell a strong scent of bacon, run. Limit going outside and to public places as we figure out this case. Thank you for listening and please return to your show!"

The channel flipped back to Netflix and you turned off the TV to take in everything you had just watched.

"I gotta get out of this town at some point; there is too much crime." you said to yourself.

You went to your kitchen to grab a cup of water. As you opened the cabinet to get a cup, you heard a strange noise.

knock knock knock

You looked around. "Fluffy, are you stuck in the dog door again?" You headed to the dog door to check if your dog Fluffy was stuck like he always is. He's a golden retriever, so a big dog for a medium sized dog door.

You looked at the door. Fluffy wasn't there. You looked around and saw her laying in her bed across the hallway.

"Strange," you said.

Knock knock knock.

You heard the noise again.

"Maybe someone is at the front door? But who? I'm not expecting anyone..." you thought.

You made your way over to the front door. You looked through the peephole in your front door and didn't see anything.

"Hmm..." you decided to open the door to see if anyone was there and you just couldn't see it from the peephole.

As you opened the door, you saw a small, pink pig in a red dress. She smelled strongly of bacon. She had a light voiced and asked, "Hi! I am selling girl scout cookies. Would you like any?"

You leaned on one knee to get on her level. You responded, "sure! One box of thin mints and-"



You stopped in your tracks and realized who this was.

"GET HER!" yelled the pig.

You became unconscious from the amount of blood you were loosing, and passed out to the strong scent of bacon.

Wow, so this is it. Thank you for reading Bloody Ketchup! I had such a fun time writing this story, and appreciate everyone who read it. Keep a look out for a sequel...

All spanish used in Bloody ketchup was from google translate, so if any of it is wrong, I am sorry. I don't own or didn't create any of the characters besides "you", Shaun, Ella, and Duke. All rights go to their creators. Thank you and please don't take this down ;)

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