Larry and Lots of Death

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   Morning had come. Your back was sore from sleeping on the cold, hard, cement all night. You felt weak and hungry from the lack of nutrition you've received in the past 24 hours. You sat up, and heard voices outside the thick door;

"Ahora, Larry, ponles estas ataduras cuando vayas a buscarlas. Sé firme y utiliza las técnicas que te he enseñado. Tráemelos ahora."

Now Larry, put these restraints on them when you go to get them. Be firm and use the techniques I've taught you. Bring them to me now.

"Larry? Who is Larry?" you thought to yourself. Just as you finished your thought you heard big footsteps come near your room. The footsteps awoke Shaun and Ella.

"Oh my gosh what now?" exclaimed Ella with an annoyed tone. They both began to sit up.

The door started to unlock and a bulky, greasy, red, handsome lobster came into the room. He looked to be about 6'4", and he was only wearing swim trunks.

"Strange outfit," you thought to yourself, checking the lobster out.

"Get up NOW," screamed the lobster. You and your friends immediately stood up, your adrenaline rushing from the fear created in you from this intimidating lobster.

The greasy lobster shoved you and your friends against the wall, and started to put handcuffs around your wrists. "My name is Larry, I will be helping Duo out today."

Ella smirked, and said in a flirty manner, "hi Larry."

"SHUT UP YOU TWERP. DID I TELL YOU TO SPEAK?!" screamed Larry, very close to her face.

Ella said nothing, and a tear silently fell down her face as she got handcuffed.

Once you were all handcuffed, he picked you and Ella off the ground. "I don't trust you guys." Larry looked at Shaun, "On the other hand, if you little skinny boy run off, I will destroy you."

Shaun nodded, and followed as Ella and you were carried out of the room.

As you left the room and entered the front room, your kitchen table was centered in the middle of the room. On it was loaded with different foods; bread, steak, salad, beets, corn, and a pitcher of ice water. Your mouth watered and your stomach growled at the sight of all of this food. Shrek was standing by a chair, along with Duo standing by the chair next to his. Larry plopped you in the chair by Duo, and Ella in the chair by Shrek. Larry picked up Shaun and put him in the empty chair, and stood behind it in a similar stance to how Duo and Shrek were standing.

"Good morning students! I have made the decision to give you a proper meal to start off your day. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Duo chuckled, then continued, "the person standing by you will be serving and feeding you. Here is the catch, if you want something, you must ask for it in spanish."

"Damnit I knew it was too good to be true," you thought.

Duo looked to Shrek and Larry and demanded,"Espera a darles de comer mientras consigo las armas." Duo then walked away.

Wait to feed them while I get the weapons.

"well, this is the end," you figured.

Duo returned with three guns and three whips. Each of the guns were different; a remington 870 express tactical, a 460 Smith and Wesson magnum, and a CheyTac M200 Intervention .408. He gave the 870 to Shrek, the 460 to Larry, and kept the M200 for himself. He also gave everyone a whip.

You saw the gun he kept for himself and started to sweat, "of course if I get shot it's going to be with the biggest gun."

Duo began to explain, "alright students this is how this works, you will communicate in spanish to the minion helping you. If you get it wrong the first try, you get hit with the whip. They will let you try again, and if you get it wrong the second time you get shot. Begin!"

Everyone began. You thought you would too. "Me gustaría un bistec y un vaso de agua, por favor."

I would like steak and a glass of water, please.

Duo looked at you, holding the whip firmly in his hands. He aggressively grabbed a piece of steak with tongs and put it on your plate, then poured your glass of water, spilling some on the table.

"¿Eso es todo?" Duo asked, rolling his eyes.

Is that all?

You wanted to play it safe, and not speak anymore spanish, so you said "si."


Shaun got cracked with the whip. All the attention went to him.



Everyone held their breath as Shaun asked again, "¿Puedo por favor tener las abejas?"

May I please have the bees?

"Oh no he wants the beets," you realized.

Larry stood up tall, then yelled in Shaun's face, "¡IDIOTA, NO! SUS REMOLACHAS NO ABEJAS."


Just then, Larry tackled Shaun out of his chair. He took him to the ground, and started to strangle him. Shaun choked, and his face started to go pale.

"¡LARRY NO SOLO DISPARARLE!" yelled Duo to Larry.


Larry didn't stop though. He gripped on harder to Shaun's neck with his beast claws. He grinned as he strangled the life out of Shaun.

"Eso es todo," Duo muttered.

That's it.

"That's it?" you questioned.

Duo reached onto the ground and grabbed the gun he brought out. He held the gun confidently, and aimed it at Shaun.


Shrek's eyes widened, "¡DUO, SIN AUTOMÁTICO COMPLETO!"


Duo didn't listen though, and kept his focus on what he was doing. He then pointed the gun to Larry.

Larry stood up both hands in the air, begging Duo, "POR FAVOR NO ME DISPAREN DUO-"


Before Larry could even finish, Duo pulled the trigger.


It seemed like it went on forever, but then the room went silent. Duo blew on the gun, then calmly looked over to Shrek and said, "Llévalos de vuelta a la habitación con las remolachas."

Bring them back to the room with the beets.

Shrek nodded, picked up the dish of beets and said, "follow me."

Ella and you made eye contact, in shock with what just happened, then followed Shrek back to the room.


Shrek opened the door, gave you the dish of beets, and quickly explained, "I am sorry with what you both had to see. That was not planned. Please share these beets and we will be back in a few hours."

Without getting a chance to reply, Shrek rushed out of the room and slammed and locked the door shut. You looked at Ella, not saying a word. You both sat on a blanket, sitting around the dish of beets.

"Let's split the beets in half so that way we get an even amount, y'know?" said Ella with a soft tone.

You nodded, then counted out the beets. You each got 7 beets to eat.

As you ate your beets, you looked out the window.

"I don't know how much longer I can deal with this..." you began to wonder.

The room was silent, with the only the sound of chewing filling the room. You finished your beets, then laid on a blanket to recover from the vivid event you just witnessed.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was pretty fun to write. Next chapter will come soon...keep a look out for it ;)

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