The Final Game

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   You look at the paper once again, and reread the question;

Is ketchup a vegetable?

"Oh gosh not again," you thought to yourself.

You gulped, then picked up the pencil. You've been through this once before, so you had a plan to escape. As you picked up your pencil, a green owl came close on your shoulder and whispered, "are you sure about that?"

You flinched, and more lights in the room turned on. Surrounding the table were all the minions you had seen in the past few days, each pointing a gun at you.

None of them blinked or broke eye contact.

Their only focus was you.

And only


You stood there for a second, leaned over the table. The world felt like it was spinning. You had a million thoughts going through your head.

"Maybe their opinions changed and the answer is no? What happens to me if I choose the wrong one? Do I choose the same option that I did last time?" you questioned to yourself.

No one made a sound. You took a deep breath, then told yourself, "I am going to go with my gut, ketchup is not a vegetable."

You readjusted the pencil that was in your hand. You took a quick glance of all the minions surrounding the small fold table, and then you put an x in the "no" box.



On the floor lay Duo's bloody corpse. Shrek had missed you by a few inches and just shot his master.

Everyone was silent and stared at the corpse.

Ms. Frizzle looked up from the ground and screamed, "PLAN B!" then ran to the back of the room to push a button.

You began to think to yourself, "What is plan b-"



The floor had just broke!

You screamed bloody murder as you fell many feet below the surface.


"Eww what is this?-" you said, then paused in your thought.

You were sitting in a red room, filled with ketchup. The walls could've been painted red or stained red from the ketchup. It was so deep, you could swim in this ketchup pool. The lights were red, adding to the affect of this ketchup-filled room.

"Ketchup is a vegetable." said a quiet, deep voice.

You turned around, trying to find who said this but alas, no one was there.

"Hello?" your voiced echoed.

No response

"Am I hallucinating? No I can't be." you questioned.

You heard it again.

"Ketchup is a vegetable."

You yelled in frustration, "WHO IS THERE? PLEASE HELP ME!"

The lights turned off.

"I'll help ya, youngin" said a old, scrawny voice.

"Granny?!" you yelled.

"I'll put ye out of your misery," she continued.

Soft piano music started to play.

"NOT THE GRANNY THEME SONG." You fearfully screamed.

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