Row, Row, Row Your Boat

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It was the afternoon. You and Ella had been locked in the solitary room all morning after the tragic incident with Shaun.

"How much longer are we going to be in here?" asked Ella.

You looked to the ground, then replied, "I'm not sure. I hate it in here though; it's so cold and dark."

Ella nodded her head in agreement. You both sat on the ground, wondering when you would be let out of this horrible room.


Stomp stomp stomp. Someone was coming.

The door started to unlock, and in came Duo. He was holding 2 pairs of paddles. He gave you and Ella each a pair of paddles.

"I've decided to take you both on a special little trip! The bus is waiting outside!" Duo stated cheerfully.

"Oh god here we go again, to be tortured," you thought. You then followed Ella out the room and to the front door.

Ella's eyes brightened as she opened the door, "IT'S THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS!" she screamed.

You laid eyes on the beautiful bus. It was just like you remembered it. Ms. Frizzle opened the doors, you, Ella, and Duo got onto the bus, and so it began:


Please let this be a normal field trip...

With the Frizz? NO WAY!!!


Cruisin' on down main street
You're relaxed and feelin' good
Next thing that you know you're seein'
Octopus in the neighborhood!

Surfin' on a sound wave
Swingin' through the stars
Take a left at your intestine
Take your second right past Mars

On the magic school bus
Navigate a nostril
Climb on the magic school bus
Spank a plankton, too
On our magic school bus
Raft a river of lava
On the magic school bus
Such a fine thing to do!

So strap your bones right to the seat
Come on in and don't be shy —
Just to make your day complete
You might get baked into

On the magic school bus
Step step step inside — it's a wilder ride!
Come on — ride on the magic school bus!

As Ms. Frizzle and her students finished singing the lovely Magic School Bus Theme Song, the bus started to slow and come to a complete stop.

"We are hereeee!" exclaimed Ms. Frizzle.

You grabbed your paddles and the three of you loaded off of the bus. Ms. Frizzle slammed the doors to the bus and started to drive off. The amazing theme song became quieter as she rode down the street;

Cruisin' on down main street
You're relaxed and feelin' good...

Ms. Frizzle had dropped you off at the side of the Amazon River. The paddles now made sense.

"What are we going to be doing, Duo?" you asked.

Duo chuckled, then began with an explanation, "Well, I'm glad you asked. You didn't think this would be a fun field trip, would you? Mwahaha, with me, it never is. We are going to ride a boat down the strongest part of the Amazon River, and you are going to describe the nature that you see!"

Ella rolled her eyes, then asked, "why are there only 2 pairs of paddles and not 3? Aren't you going to paddle too?"

"Oh course not you idiot, I don't deserve to work like that. Plus I have to be ready to punish you..." Duo said, trailing off.

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