The Escape Room

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You decide to go to an escape room to hang out with your friends. Your friends ditch on you last minute, but the room was already planned and payed for so you decide to do the room by yourself. You think to yourself this might be fun. You arrive at the escape room. The man leads you to the room, without saying a word. He opens the door for you. The door slowly creeps open. Inside the room is an old fold table with a bottle of ketchup, a piece of paper, and a pen. Above it is a light bulb on a string, with it being the only source of light. You slowly walk into the room. Once you are fully in the room, the door slams behind you. You walk up to the table and read the paper. The paper lists a question and it goes as follows:

Is ketchup a vegetable?

There are two boxes labeled "yes" and "no"
All of a sudden, you see a man in a black suit and mask in the back of the room. He has a .357 magnum in his right hand, and raises it and points it at you.

The world goes silent.

You nervously gulp, and pick up the pen that is on the table. You think to yourself:
Ketchup is a condiment not a vegetable.

You raise the pen to the paper, and fill out the "No" box.

Just then, you hear the gun click.

The man has his hand on the trigger.

Suddenly, the room goes red, and the granny theme song starts to play.

Granny comes out of the escape door with her bat, and you start to nervously fill out the "yes" box. You are aggressively scribbling on the paper; scribbling so hard that the paper starts to rip. You change the "No" to a yes, trying to do anything to get the man and granny to surrender their weapons. You firmly grab the ketchup bottle, hold it up to the air, and scream, "KETCHUP IS A VEGETABLE!" You then down the ketchup from the bottle, not leaving a drop left.

All of a sudden, the lighting just goes back to the warm light of the lightbulb, and granny vanishes into the air. The man in the black suit puts his gun down back to the side of him.

The door unlocks, and you leave the ketchup splattered room.

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