CH 19 - Feeling Hurt

Start from the beginning

Hobi : But how long?

Taehyung : What if she didn't want to live with us anymore?

Dad : Then we should respect her decision.

BTS : Dad !

Dad : We can't force her either. Your late mom want it that way. She said if Y/N doesn't want to stay with us, then we should let her be.

Jimin : No, dad. We can't let her go. We waited for her for a long time.

Suga get up and leave the cafe. The others only can sighed. Suga was the one that really want a sister. So when all this happens, he become sad and mad at himself.

He go to the practice place. He told all the guard to attack on him. He start to vent his anger in fight. But he keep losing because he was not so focus. He keep thinking about what he did to you.

He going home with his knuckle bleeding. He lips also bleed. There was a fresh scar at his right cheek. His brothers was shocked look at him. He never let anyone touch him that way.

Jungkook : Hyung...

Jin : Jungkook, leave him alone.

Taehyung : He never let people hurt him like that.

Namjoon : He must feel guilty.

Hobi : We didn't have any way to convince Y/N?

Jin : I don't know.

They was now at the end of way. They want to bring you back to the mansion but they don't know how. They start with bad impression and now nothing left for them to gain your trust.


I was about to walk home with Jaeri unni and Mira unni when i hear Aunt Lin calling for me. She want to have a talk with me.

We walk to one playground park. We take a sit at one bench. She didn't talk anything yet. I didn't able to look at her. I just look around us. She have a lot of bodyguard following her.

Lin : Y/N, can i ask you something?

I nod.

Lin : Why can't you accept them? Is it because they are a mafia? Is it because what they did to you?

I nod slowly.

Lin : Y/N sweetheart, listen to me. Yeah, they are a mafia but they didn't do bad thing. They did before but after your mom left, they change. They help cops to catch the others bad person. They was no longer like that.

I shake my head.

Lin : Please give them a chance to show you how much they love you. You wanna know something? Your brothers have to convince your mother to have you on this world. They really want to have a sister. They want to learn to protecting the person that they love. And that person is you.

Y/N : I don't know.

I said in sign language.

Lin : Y/N, they have been suffer for the past 17 years without your mom and you. Your mom already gone but you're still here. And i believe that you the only one that can rule them. I know they are hurting you so bad and i know that i am not supposed to convince you to accept them but they are also my family.

I look at my lap. She hold my hand.

Lin : Y/N, please open your heart for them. I know everything that they did to you. I wish i could understand your pain. I hope i can take the pain away from you. Look at me, dear.

I raise my head and look at her. My tears threaten to fall.

Lin : They love you the moment they know that you was their sister. They regret everything that they did to you after they know about it. They won't harm you anymore, sweetheart. They will taking care of you well same just like your late mother told them before .

My tears flowed slowly. Can i make them pay back for everything that they do to me?

Lin : If you want to try to get bond with them, how about we go to the mansion tomorrow for dinner. It's your father birthday. By the way, i'm going to leave overseas in 3 days but don't worry, i will be back in couple weeks. Is that okay for tomorrow?

I sighed and nod slowly. She hug me happily. After awhile, she send me home. I was folding my clothes in my room. After done, i get ready to sleep.

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