Chapter 49

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Present Time: March 2006 / Draco's Time: Same as present

Harry Potter

Harry was at work when Ginny's Patronus appeared in his office. He was overseeing a critical interrogation that night, which was keeping him at work later than normal. He knew even before the horse spoke what its sudden appearance meant. "Draco made his last jump. Come to the house, quickly."

Harry pulled Ron out of the interrogation room, sending Dawlish in to take over the questioning.

"What the hell, Harry? I know it was going slowly but I could have-"

"This isn't about the interrogation," Harry cut him off and pulled him into an empty office. "It's Malfoy.

Ron swore, then turned to Harry with a serious look. "What happens now?"

Harry bit his lip, torn between helping Draco and continuing with the interrogation of the dark wizard they'd been hunting for months. He took a deep breath before turning to Ron. "Get Kingsley. Tell him we have a family emergency and that we need to leave, immediately. The only other Auror I trust to manage this is you, but you need to be with Hermione. Kingsley is qualified, even though he's out of practice. We both know Dawlish can't do this alone, but with Kingsley there too, they should be able to handle it."

"Okay. Where are you going to be?"

Harry was already leaving the office he had pulled Ron into and heading back to his own office to get his cloak. "I'm going to Malfoy Manor to try and save that git's life." Securing his cloak around his shoulders, Harry made his way to the Apparition point at the corner of the floor that was reserved for Aurors to use when they needed to get away quickly.

Ron nodded, then added with a smirk, "Don't fuck it up. He hasn't bought me my racing broom, yet."

Harry smiled back, even though dread was settling in as he thought of the last time he'd seen Draco in the parlor. His injuries had seemed almost incurable then. Draco would end up lying in a bedroom at the Manor, mostly untreated for about an hour before traveling six years forward through time. Harry had no idea what that would do to his injuries. They may not be able to wake Draco from the coma he'd been put into from the Draught of the Living Death Harry had given him.

Harry stepped onto the Apparition point, then turned on his toe and appeared in Grimmauld Place a few seconds later. He grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fire, saying "Drawing Room, Malfoy Manor," before stepping into the green flames.

He found Narcissa and Lucius in the study, looking at their family clock. Harry saw Hermione's hand at the London House position and his heart wrenched as he thought about what she must be going through right then. He wanted to be there for her, but he knew he could help her more by being here; trying to save her husband.

The Draco Malfoy hand was currently at Malfoy Manor. "When did he arrive?" Harry asked.

Lucius kept his gaze on the clock as he responded. "The Draco from the past has been in there for fifteen minutes."

Harry nodded. Draco told them that in his first time jump, he'd appeared at the London House with Hermione. After their interaction there, he Appparated to his old flat, which was Blaise's current flat. He had only stayed there for less than a minute, before Apparating to his old bedroom at Malfoy Manor, where he'd remained for an hour before reappearing in his time.

That meant, in forty-five minutes, the injured Draco, who belonged in this time, would reappear in that bedroom; hopefully still alive and able to be revived.

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