Chapter 6

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There was a look in his eyes I had never seen before. And it took me a few moments to recognize it for what it was. Remorse.

I don't deserve you, he said, half-defeated, half-hopeful. It was the most honest thing he had ever said to me. And he was right. He didn't deserve me. Not by a long shot. But he had me nonetheless.

-Lang Leav

Present Time: October 2000 / Draco's Time: Same as present

Draco Malfoy

Draco was straightening his tie in the mirror when he heard Astoria Floo into his flat. He checked his appearance one last time and went to meet her.

"You look stunning," he said as he took in her dark red ball gown and elaborate hair style.

It wasn't a lie, she looked gorgeous, though he wished she wasn't wearing so much makeup. He preferred her without it, though he knew better than to say so.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She approached him and placed a soft kiss on his lips, holding back so she wouldn't smudge her lipstick. "Your mother's Halloween Ball was one of my favorite events growing up. I've been looking forward to this for months. And I'm sure I'm not the only one; it's one of the most anticipated events of the year."

Draco nodded absently as Granger's words echoed through his mind, "...clinging to a surname that everyone in the wizarding world despises."

"Let's go." Draco offered Astoria his arm and Apparated them to Malfoy Manor. His mother and father were waiting in the drawing room to greet their guests as they arrived. His mother went to Astoria and they started complimenting each other's dresses while his father nodded in greeting and began thoroughly scanning Draco's appearance.

Draco was pretty sure his father knew about the time travel. He always took time to study Draco when he saw him, which made Draco think he was trying to decide if he was from a different time. The more he thought about that first day, the more he realized his father must have watched him transform into an older version of himself while they were battling the dark artifacts.

Maybe future Draco had even explained the situation to his father. Draco couldn't be sure, but he knew it wasn't an accident that all the books on time had suddenly disappeared from the library. But he wasn't ready to talk to his father about it and was relieved his father hadn't brought it up either.

"You look well, Draco."

"Thank you, Father."

"I have a board meeting at the Hendricks Corporation next week, if you'd like to join me. You remember Harold Hendricks, he's the one who-"

"Is interested in setting up a wizarding-run bank. I remember, Father."

Your hesitation in admitting to Father that you'd rather track investments than serve on boards. This time it was Draco's own voice echoing in his mind. He knew he never should have read that damned letter.

"Owl me the details and I'll attend," Draco ended with a curt nod, then went to greet his mother.

"Did you guys hear about Pansy?"

Draco pulled his attention away from a bat he'd been watching fly around the ballroom.

"She's marrying some Bulgarian bloke," Daphne continued.

"Oh, good for her," Astoria chimed in.

Blaise smirked back at her and shook his head. "I heard the whole wedding is happening in such a rush because Pansy's pregnant. I don't even think she likes the bloke, but her mother is forcing her to go through with the wedding."

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