Chapter 10

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Present Time: April 2001 / Draco's Time: Same as present

Draco Malfoy

"You've missed the past few board meetings, Draco. Have you been unwell?"

Draco looked up from his soup and placed his spoon on the table, considering his response to his father's query. Yes, he had been unwell. His whole life had been upended by a broken time turner and a Muggleborn witch.

"I'm sorry, Father. I'll be sure to attend the next one. It's this Wednesday, correct?"

Lucius gave him a curt nod and Draco continued eating his soup but paused again a moment later when his father spoke again. "Is this related to your desire to manage the investments instead of pursuing politics?"

Draco let out a long sigh.

"I've told you before that we hire people to do that. You're meant to do more than move money around and study calculations."

Draco would typically nod here and remain silent, but something made him speak up this time. He blamed it on all that time he'd been spending with Gryffindors. "I'm more interested in finance than politics, Father. And the way I do it, it's different from the money managers you hire. It's more nuanced and interesting and requires more skill."

His father shook his head, disappointed. "I want so much more for you, Draco, after everything I've already put you through."

"And sometimes I just want to be happy."

"Are you not happy now, Draco?" his mother asked, looking slightly offended. "What more could you want? Our family is intact, you are well set up to step into a prestigious career serving on countless boards and influencing all the major political decisions of the day, and you have a lovely girlfriend."

"Yes, Mother," Draco nodded, avoiding her gaze. He suddenly feeling guilty at the mention of Astoria. He'd decided to end it with her as soon as he worked up the courage to do so and he was worried about how his parents would take it. Especially his mother, who seemed desperate for him to be married.

Lucius started talking about the board meeting they were to attend next week and Draco joined in, glad for the change in conversation. He declined the offer to join his father for a drink after dinner and Apparated straight home, relieved to find his flat empty. He remembered Astoria mentioning that she might come over if she got out of dinner with her friends early.

It was probably better if he spent the night alone, though he'd have to face her eventually. He just needed to work out a reason to end it with her that didn't include time travel and another woman.

There was a knock on his door and Draco performed a quick spell to reveal who was on the other side. He froze when he saw it was Granger. Shit, it was happening. She must be here to discuss the time travel. His future self must have told her about it.

He took a deep breath and checked his reflection in the hall mirror, then berated himself for doing so before finally opening the door. Before he could say a word, Granger smacked him hard across the face.

"Fuck!" He pulled his hand up to cover his stinging cheek and leaned against the door frame, slipping his wand out of his pocket with his other hand. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? You kissed me! Out of nowhere! You cannot do that. I don't care how drunk you were. I have a boyfriend who I love."

Oh Merlin, he'd kissed her. And she said he was drunk. Draco sighed heavily. She was obviously referring to future Draco from the last time jump. So, it turned out he hadn't been sleeping it off in his flat. Fucking wanker.

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