Chapter 2

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I've never met you before, but I recognize this feeling.

-Lang Leav

Present Time: March 2000 / Draco's Time: February 2006

Hermione Granger

Hermione checked the time before turning back toward the Apparition point next to the Leaky Cauldron. Do I have a few minutes to pop in to Flourish and Blotts?

She chewed her lip, then turned around and headed for the bookstore. If she hurried, she should be back for her next meeting with a few minutes to spare, then she wouldn't have to come back after work.

Hermione rushed to the rarely visited section of the store that contained reference materials on governments and legislation and began scanning the titles. The Ministry Archives had a much better selection, but she couldn't bring those books back to her flat.

She picked out two volumes that looked promising, then sighed as she imagined Ron's reaction when he saw them tonight. He hated when she worked from home, but she loved her job and wished she could get Ron to understand that.

We've been dating for less than a year, she reminded herself. They still had plenty of time to work through these things.

Immediately following the war, Hermione had traveled to Australia to remove the memory charm she'd placed on her parents. They'd been understandably upset to learn about the war and what she'd done to protect them, so she'd agreed to spend the rest of the summer with them in their new home.

After that, she'd gone to Hogwarts to complete her final year, while Ron and Harry had opted to skip out and go directly into Auror training. Hermione had missed her two best friends, but that last year had given her a chance to get closer with Ginny.

Once she and Ginny had graduated last June, they'd both started dating the wizards they'd been holding out for since the end of the war. Hermione rented a flat with Ginny near her new job at the Ministry, working in the Magical Law Enforcement office, and Ginny started playing Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies.

Officially, Hermione and Ginny lived together in the flat while Ron and Harry lived together at Grimmauld Place. Though this was mostly a charade for Mrs. Weasley's benefit. Ron spent most of his nights with Hermione while Ginny slept most nights at Harry's place.

Hermione pulled the two books close to her chest and turned toward the check-out desk, but stopped in place when she saw someone rush into the aisle she was in. Her eyes widened in shock when she recognized the person as Draco Malfoy.

He was slightly out of breath and was wearing Muggle clothes, which was surprising. She had never seen Malfoy in Muggle clothes before. But the most surprising thing of all, was that he was smiling at her. Not smirking; smiling.

Hermione looked back at him warily and when he made no move to leave, she said, "Bugger off, Malfoy."

He acted like he hadn't heard her and continued to smile at her warmly. He was studying her and Hermione couldn't help but stare back at him. When had Malfoy ever looked at her like this? When had Malfoy ever looked at anyone like this?

Something deep inside Hermione jolted as her eyes met his and a familiar feeling she couldn't place washed over her. He began to walk slowly toward her and Hermione felt her legs give out a little. She leaned her back against the shelf for support.

Malfoy looked different, older, though she couldn't quite articulate why. But then again, she reasoned, she had never taken the time to look at him properly before. Maybe this was how he always looked.

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