Chapter 8

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Present Time: January 2001 / Draco's Time: June 2004

Astoria Greengrass

Astoria was on Holiday in Switzerland with her sister, Draco, Blaise, and Theo. The whole trip had been Blaise's idea and with minimal pleading on her part, Draco had agreed to join the group and even rented a gorgeous ski chalet for them.

She wondered where he'd found one vacant on such short notice, but figured with enough gold, any place could suddenly become available. Did Draco ever resent always being the one to pay for everything? This was something she'd never thought to ask him. And even if she did, she didn't think he'd answer honestly.

Though she suspected he didn't care, or even notice. The Malfoys were rumored to have so much money that Draco could probably afford to buy this place outright without a second's hesitation. But that wasn't why she was with him; though Astoria knew a lot of people thought so, her parents included.

She sighed and turned the page of the Witch Weekly magazine she was skimming. Daphne stormed into the room and began pacing in front of the large fireplace. "If Blaise brings some slag home tonight, I might hex her."

"Why her? Shouldn't you hex him?"

"Good point, I'll hex both of them."

Astoria sighed and put down her magazine. "You need to tell him how you feel. I don't think he knows."

"I know, but admitting I love him? That would be a disaster." Daphne finally stopped pacing and stood still, staring into the fire. "I'll just- get over it one day."

"Will you? It's been what-? Five years? You haven't got over him yet."

"Shut up." Daphne turned back to Astoria and went to join her on the couch.

"Well, at least stop sleeping with him whenever he decides he wants you again," Astoria said matter-of-factly.

"I told you to drop it, Stori." Daphne narrowed her eyes and Astoria shrugged, then sighed heavily.

"We can talk about my pathetic love life instead." She pulled her legs up under her and turned to face her sister.

"What do you mean? What's the matter now?"

"I don't know."

"It's not the Granger thing, right? Because I really don't think that's anything to be worried about. He was probably just trying to make amends, like he did with Potter a few years ago."

"Yeah, that's what he said, but- well, he only admitted to it when forced. And he never told me about Harry Potter, I only know that because you told me. And-" Astoria cut off and looked away from Daphne.


"I think he tried to talk to me about it, but I screwed it up, then he completely shut down." Astoria was embarrassed to admit it but when she thought back on that conversation, she realized she'd finally been close to getting what she said she'd wanted from Draco, but had been too stupid at the time to realize what was going on.

"What happened?"

"He was talking about nightmares and he seemed angry and annoyed, so I thought he was trying to point out I hadn't been through what he had, but I think he was trying to admit something to me and I bungled it. I -" she cut off again and dipped her head. "Sometimes I think I'm the wrong person for him, like he needs something I can't offer."

"No, that's a good sign, Stori." Daphne placed a comforting hand on her leg. "At least he's trying. It will get better, I'm sure of it."

"I thought it would be thrilling trying to get him to open up. He's smart and complicated and I was intrigued by the challenge. He's so much more interesting than any of the wizards from my year. But...maybe I'm not cut-out for the complication that is Draco Malfoy."

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